"Oh no, he has kids." The younger woman said. "He's probably married."

The older woman chuckled. "Who cares? He's still eye candy. Isn't that little boy adorable?"

Alex lifted Matthew into his arms and, when Jonathan joined them from the doorway, turned and strode across the room toward Carmen, totally unaware that he had just been evaluated and found worthy. How often did that happen, and was he ever aware of it? Of course, he wasn't the only man the two women had steamed over in the last thirty minutes. How many women did that, and was it specific to this area? Had she been blind to it at home? Once again it occurred to her that she had lived in a vacuum. Why would women be any different here than back home?

Carmen stood as Alex joined them. Natalie and Destiny begged for a hug, so he squatted down, depositing Matthew on his feet and scooped them both into his arms for an enthusiastic hug. Matthew and Natalie both made it clear that they wanted to be held, so he scooped them both up in his arms and stood.

"Are they twins?" the older woman asked.

Alex dodged two little heads to get a look at the woman. His smile would have melted the heart of a grouch, much less two women who had already been admiring him.

"Yes," he said, in a tone that left an open invitation for more conversation.

Carmen sighed. "What took you so long? We've been waiting thirty minutes. The kids are probably starving." It was an exaggeration, of course.

Alex looked momentarily confused, but quickly recovered, his smile going sour. "Someone had to do number two. I told him it wasn't on our itinerary, but he insisted."

Warmth crawled up Carmen's neck and spilled onto her cheeks. The two women giggled. It wasn't like Alex to confront her in public. But then, she had started it by confronting him. It wasn't the fact that they were off schedule that bothered her, though. It was the two women. If they were going to detour, it shouldn't be to swap stories with two cougars. She sighed.

"I'm sorry. Are we all ready now?"

Alex glanced at the two women and shrugged as he spoke to Carmen. "Lead the way."

As they walked away, Alex glanced down at her. "What was that all about?"

She waited until they were far enough away that there was no chance the women would hear her response.

"They were looking all the men over…and I think they had decided on you until the boys made an appearance."

He frowned down at her for a moment. Finally his brows lifted in comprehension. "Ahhh," he said. His eyes held a teasing humor that faintly touched his lips. "You were jealous."

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