In the morning, therefore, the orderly came with the customary

compliments to say to Captain Wren that the post commander desired to

see him at the office.

It was then nearly nine o'clock. Wren had had a sleepless night and

was in consultation with Dr. Graham when the summons came. "Ask that

Captain Sanders be sent for at once," said the surgeon, as he pressed

his comrade patient's hand. "The major has his adjutant and clerk and

possibly some other officers. You should have at least one friend."

"I understand," briefly answered Wren, as he stepped to the hallway to

get his sun hat. "I wish it might be you." The orderly was already

speeding back to the office at the south end of the brown rectangle of

adobe and painted pine, but Janet Wren, ministering, according to her

lights, to Angela in the little room aloft, had heard the message and

was coming down. Taller and more angular than ever she looked as, with

flowing gown, she slowly descended the narrow stairway.

"I have just succeeded in getting her to sleep," she murmured. "She

has been dreadfully agitated ever since awakened by the voices and the

running this morning, and she must have cried herself to sleep last

night. R-r-r-obert, would it not be well for you to see her when she

wakes? She does not know--I could not tell her--that you are under


Graham looked more "dour" than did his friend of the line. Privately

he was wondering how poor Angela could get to sleep at all with Aunt

Janet there to soothe her. The worst time to teach a moral lesson,

with any hope of good effect, is when the recipient is suffering from

sense of utter injustice and wrong, yet must perforce listen. But it

is a favorite occasion with the "ower guid." Janet thought it would be

a long step in the right direction to bring her headstrong niece to

the belief that all the trouble was the direct result of her having

sought, against her father's wishes, a meeting with Mr. Blakely. True,

Janet had now some doubt that such had been the case, but, in what she

felt was only stubborn pride, her niece refused all explanation.

"Father would not hear me at the time," she sobbed. "I am condemned

without a chance to defend myself or--him." Yet Janet loved the bonny

child devotedly and would go through fire and water to serve her best

interests, only those best interests must be as Janet saw them. That

anything very serious might result as a consequence of her brother's

violent assault on Blakely, she had never yet imagined. That further

complications had arisen which might blacken his record she never

could credit for a moment. Mullins lay still unconscious, and not

until he recovered strength was he to talk with or see anyone. Graham

had given faint hope of recovery, and declared that everything

depended on his patient's having no serious fever or setback. In a few

days he might be able to tell his story. Then the mystery as to his

assailant would be cleared in a breath. Janet had taken deep offense

that the commanding officer should have sent her brother into close

arrest without first hearing of the extreme provocation. "It is an

utterly unheard-of proceeding," said she, "this confining of an

officer and gentleman without investigation of the affair," and she

glared at Graham, uncomprehending, when, with impatient shrug of his

big shoulders, he asked her what had they done, between them, to

Angela. It was his wife put him up to saying that, she reasoned, for

Janet's Calvinistic dogmas as to daughters in their teens were ever at

variance with the views of her gentle neighbor. If Angela had been

harshly dealt with, undeserving, it was Angela's duty to say so and to

say why, said Janet. Meantime, her first care was her wronged and

misjudged brother. Gladly would she have gone to the office with him

and stood proudly by his side in presence of his oppressor, could such

a thing be permitted. She marveled that Robert should now show so

little of tenderness for her who had served him loyally, if

masterfully, so very long. He merely laid his hand on hers and said he

had been summoned to the commanding officer's, then went forth into

the light and left her. Copyright 2016 - 2025