I hope I am not uncharitable, yet I cannot conceive of committing an

act through love of any man, which would lower me in his esteem, once

committed. Yet of course I have had little experience in life, with

men, or with temptation. But it seems to me I could not continue to

love a man who did not seek to lead me higher. The moment he stood

before me and asked me to descend, I should realise he was to be

pitied--not adored.

I told mother this, and she said I was too young and inexperienced to

form decided opinions on such subjects, and she warned me that I must

not become uncharitable. She wept bitterly as she thought of my

becoming narrow or bigoted in my ideas, dear, tender-hearted mamma.

Death should be called the Great Revealer instead of the Great


Some people think the way into heaven is through embroidered altar


The soul that has any conception of its own possibilities does not

fear solitude.

A girl told me to-day that a rude man annoyed her by staring at her

in a public conveyance. It never occurred to her that it takes four

eyes to make a stare annoying.

Astronomers know more about the character of the stars than the

average American mother knows about the temperament of her daughters.

To some women the most terrible thought connected with death is the

dates in the obituary notice.

As a rule, when a woman opens the door of an artistic career with one

hand, she shuts the door on domestic happiness with the other.

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