The afternoon phone conversation with Scarlett had gone less than ideal. I knew she was frustrated with how the first month had gone, shit, so was I, but I had no idea she was as pissed as she was. How could she even think that I didn’t see her as a part of my future? Did she even listen to me when I talked to her sometimes? I knew that I just needed to get through this performance and then I could get home to her to talk, and possibly fuck, some sense into her. I didn’t want to be without her for another day.

Knowing what was at stake in that one performance ~ the opportunity to open for a chart-topping band, I felt nerves in my stomach for the first time in years before grabbing the microphone. I knew halfway through our first song that we were on and sounded good, I only hoped the people who mattered agreed. We waited in a back room for Bentley after our set, not sure if we would find out the decision immediately. After what seemed like hours, she walked in with a huge smile on her face and told us to pack out bags because we were going on a long road trip.

Elated does not even begin to describe the overwhelming feeling of joy that I experienced when I heard the words come out of her mouth. After we all congratulated one another, I couldn’t wait to call Scarlett and tell her the good news, even though I knew she was out with Mina and the girls. I hoped she’d at least have a chance to check her messages at some point. Hearing her voice on the greeting brought a smile to my face and I left her a short message.

“Hey Scarlett, please give me a call when you get a chance. I’ve got something important I want to tell you.”

I headed back to my apartment to get a good night’s rest before making the drive the following morning. I had just gotten settled and was about to jump in the shower when I heard a knock on the door. Assuming it was one of my band mates, I opened the door with just a towel wrapped around me to see Bentley standing there in a nearly sheer night gown.

Her eyes roaming up and down my body, she asked, “Do you have any milk I can borrow?” she purred.

“Milk? Really? At nearly two o clock in the fucking morning, you need milk?” Her attempts to get me to sleep with her were borderline pathetic, and I was getting tired of telling her to leave me alone. It also pissed me off that she asked for milk because that made me think of Scarlett and her milk obsession, and I remembered that it was Bentley’s fault I hadn’t seen her in over a month.

Pushing her way past me in to my place, “God, you don’t have to be such an asshole. Fine, I’ll leave you alone. You got all fucking boring anyways. What did she do to you? Suck all of the fun out? You don’t drink, smoke, go out… nothing anymore. What kind of rock star are you supposed to be?”

Ignoring all of her ridiculous questions, I replied, “Help yourself to what you need from the kitchen, I’m getting in the shower. Lock the door on your way out please.”

When I got out of the shower I noticed that the towel I had out was missing. That fucking bitch. I yelled out, “B? Where are you? Bring me that towel right now!”

I climbed back into the shower to be hidden from her and a minute or so later she sauntered in with my towel across her arm. “Oh come on Rat, its not like I haven’t seen you naked before. You are pathetic.”

“Fuck you, Bentley. Just do your job and leave me alone. Get out of my apartment like I already told you to do.”

Thirty minutes and a beer later I had calmed down from the B incident, but was concerned that Scarlett still hadn’t called or texted back since my last message. Going on tour changed things quite a bit, but that didn’t change the fact I wanted her with me all the time. I hoped she was ready to visit a lot of new places. My biggest concern was her taking time off for school, but an opportunity to travel like that was once in a life time and I hoped she be up for the adventure.

Crashing in my bed for what I hoped was the last time alone, I fell asleep thinking about my angel curled up in my arms.



Collide ~ Dishwalla

Gone Gone Gone ~ Phillip Phillips

Scene Two: Roger Rabit ~ Sleeping With Sirens

Whatever It Takes ~ Lifehouse


Max’s lips crashed onto mine as we became a needy, voracious mess of mouths and hands and limbs. We pulled and tugged at each other’s clothes as we kissed, sucked, and bit each other like wild animals. Moments later we were both stripped naked and I was lying underneath him, reveling in the feel of his skin against mine. Over the next twenty minutes, our actions were completely thoughtless. I was Kiera, he was Kellan, and all thoughts of Denny or Mason or anyone else were totally buried under the alcohol, and the combination of our need to feel wanted and our want to feel needed.

We groped and caressed one another until neither of us could resist the desire to be intimately connected. With our bodies glistening in sweat, our labored breaths gasping for air, and our intoxicated minds lost a million miles away; Max positioned himself between my legs and buried himself inside of me in one swift thrust. We both screamed out at his initial entrance as my body stretched to accommodate him. After pulling out slightly, he plunged back inside of me, and several strokes of his hips later, he had established a steady rhythm. We were lost in the madness of the entire experience, eyes closed, forgetting it all.

As I felt my climax building, I wrapped my legs around his hips, holding his body close to mine. He buried his face into my neck and my fingers ran through his hair, tugging gently.

“Oh my God, Sam, you feel amazing,” he growled into my ear.

I froze instantly at his use of Evie’s nickname for me. My eyes flew open, and I saw his equally-panicked face staring back at me. Neither of us said a word or moved an inch for a few moments. I sobered up immediately, suddenly aware of my surroundings and the happenings of the previous day and night.

“I’ve gotta get out of here,” I whispered.

He nodded, and I could see the guilt wash over his face. “I’m sorry,” was the only thing he said before rolling off of me and disappearing into the bathroom. I scurried up off of the couch and put my clothes on as fast as possible. I rushed across the parking lot to the safety of my car. I was definitely going to be sick, and I only hoped I could make it home first.

It was then that I realized that I didn’t have a home anymore. I obviously couldn’t live at Mason’s place. Oh… Mason. Thinking his name made my heart and my head hurt. What had happened since I last talked with him on the phone? I couldn’t believe that he would just make the decision to go ahead and move forward with his life like I suggested without telling me. I should’ve demanded to talk to him, to make him tell me that he didn’t want to be with me, but hearing her voice in my drunken state, just ripped my heart out. Not only did he want to move on, but he had already gone back to her. I felt stupid and humiliated.

And then more drinking… more bad decisions… Max.

I couldn’t allow myself to start to think about what had just happened. I drove to my soon-to-be old apartment just in time to lose the contents of my stomach in the toilet. After several minutes of alternating between actual vomiting and the just-as-awful dry heaving, I cleaned my mouth out and began moving in auto-pilot mode. I began throwing my things in bags, grabbing only what I needed. Taking one last look around before leaving Mason’s place for the final time, I began to cry. Hard.

I flew down the stairs, retreating to my car once again, threw my bags in the back, and collapsed into the driver’s seat. I’m not sure how long I sat there and cried, but I could see the sky begin to lighten as the sunrise teased the horizon. My brain was moving so fast that I couldn’t focus on any one thing. My heart was beating so hard in my chest I was afraid I was having a heart attack. I had millions of questions and no answers. I was completely alone… like only one other time in my life.

Sobbing uncontrollably, I reached across the passenger seat to the storage compartment to get some tissues, when I saw the book sitting there. With everything that had happened in the day, I had completely forgotten about the package Ash had left on my car. Forgetting my original objective, I picked it up and opened it to read the message he had written inside.

“Fly with your own wings, Psyche. You are stronger than you think. There will be many trials and tribulations to pass before being rewarded with your ambrosia.”

I’m not sure why or how or what or anything else about that moment, but instantly I knew what I needed to do. I grabbed my phone and made the call.

“Hello?” He answered sleepily.

“I need you.”


My phone ringing before the sun came up was never a good thing, especially on a Saturday. It usually meant someone was in jail or in the hospital, neither of which I felt like dealing with… at any time really. I reached over and grabbed it off the bedside table and answered without even looking at the caller ID; I was putting ten to one odds that it was my dad.


“I need you.”

Hearing Scarlett’s voice on the other side of the phone, I shot up in bed and was instantly awake and alert.

“Scarlett? What’s wrong?” I asked, my heart pounding as I was both excited to hear from her and fearful that something was seriously wrong.

“I don’t even know where to start,” she began, sniffling in between words. Knowing someone had made her that upset, that she was crying and most likely alone at a ridiculous hour, filled my body with rage. I was gonna kill whoever did this to her.

“Where are you? I’m coming to get you.” I was out of bed, throwing on my jeans and t-shirt as I spoke. I needed to get to her as quickly as possible.

“No, you don’t need to do that. I can meet you somewhere. I just need… I don’t know what I need… I’m a mess,” she said as she broke down again.

“Scarlett, I’m coming to get you right fucking now. You aren’t driving anywhere in that condition. Where are you?” I demanded.

“I’m in my car at Mason’s apartment. The address is …”

I tuned her out at that point. I knew the fucking address. I had made sure she got home safely from work enough times over the last month to know where the God damn apartment was. Ever since he had moved away and she was living alone, I had taken it upon myself to make sure that she made it home safely on the nights she worked late. Knowing she was driving home alone close to midnight scared me and I wasn’t about to let anything happen to her.

Less than ten minutes later I pulled up in front of her parked car and saw her sitting inside. The entire drive over was a blur, I was completely focused on my final destination. I didn’t even turn the engine off in my car; I jumped out and approached the driver side door. She looked up at me through the window with puffy, red eyes and mascara-streaked tear lines down her cheeks. I opened the car door and didn’t wait for her to say a word. I scooped her up out of the seat into my arms, and cradled her to my chest.

“It’s okay, Butterfly. I’ve got you now. It’s gonna be alright.” I whispered into her hair as I walked her to my car and set her on the passenger seat. “Do have anything you need to bring with you? We will get your car later.” Copyright 2016 - 2024