“I called him Alex.”

Alex blinked. Valerie looked mortified, her cheeks crimsoned. He pulled her to him, making her sit back down on his lap, still not sure what to say. The fact that she’d been in another mans arms still felt like a kick in the gut. But the thought that she’d been thinking of him the whole time, so much so she’d actually called Luke Alex. He couldn’t even begin to imagine what Luke must’ve felt at that moment.

Without warning, he laughed. Valerie buried her face in his chest covering the exposed part with her small hand.

“Don’t laugh.” Her words were muffled. “You’ve no idea how incredibly awkward that moment was. It was horrible.”

That only made Alex laugh even more. He kissed her head, caressing her damp hair. Valerie lifted her head slowly and met his eyes. “So, you see. You’ve never had anything to worry about.”

She went on to tell him about how she spent the rest of the evening telling Luke about her relationship with Alex. And how’d she really believed she was over him until she’d seen him at the shower and found out she wasn’t even close.

“The very next time I saw Luke I broke things off. I owed him at least that much. I knew I’d never get over you. It was stupid to think that by going out with him I would.”

Alex couldn’t take his eyes off her. He loved hearing her say she’d never get over him. He lifted her chin. “Know what I don’t understand?”

She tilted her head. She looked so adorable he had to kiss her. “If you know you’ll never get over me, why don’t you just marry me already?”

This time she was the one that opened her mouth without any words that followed. She closed it and bit her lip. She tried again and still nothing.

Feeling the annoyance start to build again, Alex spoke first. “Stop trying to come up with an excuse, Z.”

The corners of her lips lifted ever so slowly. His heart thumped and he smiled with her.

“Okay. Let’s do it. Let’s get married.” She smiled big.

Alex knew his eyes must have been as big as saucers. He swallowed hard, barely able to put it all in perspective. Valerie was going to be his wife, entirely his, forever. He leaned in to kiss her but stopped. “That phone better be off.”

“It is.” She giggled.

With that, he leaned back in bed and brought her down with him.

“Mrs. Moreno,” he whispered before kissing her deeply.

When he finally let her breathe, she smiled. “I like it,” she whispered back. “I can hardly wait now.”

Alex kissed her, knowing full well she wouldn’t have to wait long. He’d make sure of it. First things first—with one yank he pulled off her shorts.


Alex and Valerie walked into the restaurant holding hands. They’d gone straight to her dad’s house then to his parent’s place from the airport. Valerie seemed much more relaxed after speaking to their parents.

Angel glanced up from the host desk in the front, no doubt expecting to see customers. He did a double-take before smiling. “Hey, how was Bermuda?”

“Beautiful,” Valerie beamed.

“How’s everything here?” Alex asked as he walked by him.

Angel waved a hand at him. “Running smoother than ever.”

Sarah was hunched over, reading something at the back bar. Sal was on the other side of the bar, and he glanced up as they walked toward them. “When did you guys get back?”

“Couple hours ago,” Alex responded, squeezing Valerie’s hand.

Sarah turned around and immediately came over to greet them both with a hug. Valerie brushed a strand of hair away from her own face and Sarah stopped cold. “What is this?” She grabbed Valerie’s hand and gawked at Valerie’s three carat diamond ring.

Valerie smiled, but didn’t answer. She glanced at Alex. Sarah finally looked away from the ring and brought her attention to Valerie’s. “Are you guys engaged?”

“Nope,” Alex answered for her.

Sarah brought her attention to Alex now confused. “Then-”

“We’re married,” he said matter-of-fact.

Sarah’s mouth fell open.

“You’re what?” Angel asked, coming around Alex to see what Sarah was looking at. He glanced at Valerie’s ring then turned back to Alex. “Tell me you’re kidding.”

Sarah had her hand over her mouth now. Valerie’s hand was still in hers but her eyes went back and forth from Alex to Valerie.

“No kidding,” Valerie finally spoke up. “We got married in Bermuda.”

Sal walked over to join the rest of the stunned bunch. He took one look at the ring then at Alex. “Dude, mom’s gonna flip.”

Alex chuckled. “She did. We just came from there. She was a little upset but got over it pretty quick when I finally agreed to let her throw us a little party. She and Sofie were already on the phone making the plans before we even left. ”

“Ha!” Angel scoffed loudly. “Mom and pop throw a little party? Good luck. She’ll invite two maybe three hundred people.”

Alex frowned at that. Sarah finally stopped gawking and let out a squeal. She hugged Valerie again and then jumped up to hug Alex tighter than the first time.

Sarah turned back to Valerie with an accusing look. “You never even told me you were engaged.”

Valerie laughed and glanced at Alex. “I was only engaged for a couple of days before we left for Bermuda. It was really spur of the moment.”

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