
Valerie got the text on the way home from the restaurant. Alex explained briefly about the call from Bruce. He said he didn’t want to call her, because he didn’t want the girls overhearing and becoming alarmed. But he warned in all capital letters to stay in the apartment and lock all the doors and windows. Valerie understood completely about not wanting to alarm the girls, most specifically, Sarah. This was way too heavy to dump on her the night before her wedding.

He didn’t tell her everything Bruce said but mentioned a lot of ranting and crazy talk. Valerie was surprised he didn’t tell her to just cut the night short and insist on picking her up that minute. But she supposed not wanting to alarm the girls had a lot to do with it.

They all kicked off their shoes as soon as they walked in. Valerie held in a laugh as she watched Isabel cringe at the sight of shoes flying in all directions. Isabel was a good sport about it and said nothing. Instead, for the first time Valerie had ever seen, she kicked off her shoes and left them where they landed. Valerie knew Romero had a lot to do with Isabel’s newfound liberation from her usual obsessive personality.

Valerie broke out Sarah’s special wine, the kind that came in a jug rather than a bottle.

“My Precious!” Sarah clapped her fingers together in front of her.

Valerie laughed, pouring her a glass. Sarah always called it that, even back in high school. They’d all made fun of her for bringing a cooler with a small jug to the backyard parties rather than just a six pack of beer like everyone else.

A cell phone rang in the front room where they’d all dropped their purses. “That’s me.” Sarah rushed to her purse.

“If that’s my brother again, Sarah, tell him to take a chill pill.” Sofia shook her head. “Geez what’s that? The third time in less than an hour?”

Sarah pulled the phone out of her purse and smiled when she read the caller ID. She looked at Sofia and nodded. “It’s him, again.”

Sarah took the call in the front room. After everyone poured their drinks, Valerie jumped on the kitchen counter and took a long swig of her beer. Still a little shaken by Alex’s texts, she was determined to enjoy the rest of the evening. “If Sarah could ever pull herself away from her phone,” she said loudly leaning her head in the direction of the front room, “we should play a game.” She turned back Sofia and Isabel, “one of those girlie games like back when we were teens.”

“Ooh, fun.” Sofia grinned taking a sip of her wine. “I don’t think I ever played any, but I remember hearing about them.”

“Don’t worry,” Isabel clinked Sofia’s wine glass with her own and took a drink. “I never played any back then either.”

That didn’t surprise Valerie. By the time she’d met Isabel, they were well past theie girlie teen years. But even in college, Isabel rarely joined her in their drinking games. Once or twice, Valerie had managed to twist her arm.

Sofia was a whole other story. That poor girl was lucky to do anything with those three brothers of hers watching over her like the secret service, especially Alex.

Sarah hurried into the kitchen. “Okay, I’m sorry. I think it’s because he hasn’t seen me all week that he keeps calling to check on me.”

Sofia rolled her eyes but smiled. “You’d think it’s been a month, the mood he’s been in all week.”

Valerie couldn’t believe it. Those two had literally been inseparable since high school. “You haven’t seen him all week?”

Sarah seemed pleased with herself, picking up her glass of wine from the counter. “I always said I would do this the week before we got married. I don’t think he ever believed I’d actually go through with it, even after I asked Alex for the week before the wedding off. I’m sure he thought he’d weasel his way somehow and see me.” Sarah giggled and drank some of her wine. “He tried to act like it was no big deal but by Tuesday he was already trying to talk me out of it. Ever since then, he’s been making excuse after excuse why we have to get together.”

Valerie laughed. She was surprised Sarah had stuck to her guns. She wasn’t sure she could do it. Even now she was beginning to consider taking Alex up on his offer of picking her up. “Okay, so we’re playing girlie games, Sarah. Remember those?”

“But we have to have a them,.” Isabel added. “In this case, I say all games have to do with looove.”

Sofia squealed. “I’ve never even had a sleepover.”

Valerie jumped off the counter and patted Sofia on the shoulder. Poor girl, not only had she dealt with her brothers, she’d also been claimed by Eric the moment she turned seventeen. Sarah told her all about Sofia falling for Angel’s other best friend.

“Follow me, ladies,” Valerie walked into her front room and turned on the iPod sitting on Isabel’s neat media center. She set the music to a slow and easy station.

They all took a seat on the sofas except for Valerie who sat on the floor. “Let’s play Truth.”

“Isn’t it Truth or Dare?” Sarah asked.

Valerie crunched up her nose, “I don’t feel like doing any dares. Do you? But I’d love to hear some juicy truths.”

Isabel grinned and lifted her hand, almost spilling her wine. “I’ll start. Mine is for Sarah. Where was the first place you and Angel did it?”

Sarah turned to Valerie, completely scandalized. “Wait, aren’t there rules?”

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