Normally it would take everything in his power to stay composed, but Alex had a feeling what Luke was up to. He didn’t flinch. As much as he wanted to stare the f**ker down, he resisted and glanced around the room casually, taking another sip of his wine instead.

Valerie’s eyes stayed fixed on Alex even as she pulled away from Luke. Before she could say anything, Luke spoke up again. “Did she tell you about George Stone?”

“Can’t say that she has.” Alex exchanged glances with Valerie.

“Ever heard of him, Alex?” Luke peered at Alex smugly but didn’t wait for an answer. “Oh, what am I thinking? What would a guy like you know about real estate motivational speakers?”

Luke laughed, placing his hand on Alex’s shoulder and leaning into him. “Even I didn’t know much about the guy. But since I got us tickets to his event, I’ve read up on him a bit and I’ve gotta say, the guy is impressive. I’m actually looking forward to meeting the man.” He turned to Valerie. “Good choice, Valerie.”

Alex noticed Valerie chewed her lip the way she did when she was nervous. Her eyes were on Luke’s hand, the one that still sat on Alex’s shoulder.

“Yeah,” Alex smiled reaching his hand out to Valerie. “I have to agree with you there, Luke. Valerie’s always been good about making the right choices.”

Valerie’s eyes widened but she took his hand anyway. Alex squeezed her hand. She took a sip of her wine and glanced away. “I’ve never actually been to one of these events.” Valerie said.

Alex noticed Valerie avoided looking back at Luke. She took a sip of her wine and continued, “Aren’t we supposed to be wine tasting?”

“Nah, that’s optional.” Luke finally moved his hand off Alex’s shoulder. His mood seemed to have staled. “We’re here to schmooze, remember?”

Valerie still looked around. “Oh gawd, is that who I think it is?”

Both Alex and Luke turned to see a heavyset man who looked to be in his sixties, making his way through the crowd in their direction.

“Well, what do you know?” Luke grinned as he took another glass of wine from the passing waiter.

“Pretend you don’t see him.” Valerie took a step behind Alex.

Alex peered at the man and stood firmly in front of Valerie. She was too late the man had spotted them and was already on his way toward them with a fat grin. Alex squeezed her hand, suddenly feeling on edge. “Who is he?”

“Relax, Champ.” Luke raised his glass at the man and smiled. “He’s just an investor with lots of capitol.”

“And lots of corny jokes,” Valerie muttered.

Having no choice, Valerie came around and stood next to Alex.

The man was almost close enough to hear them, and Luke spoke through his big fake smile. “Oh, you handle his jokes pretty well. That’s why we got Lemon Ridge remember? Work your magic, Valerie. He likes you.”

The idea of Valerie working her magic on any other man, even one old enough to be her dad made Alex grind his teeth. This night was getting more irritating by the minute.

“Hey!” The heavy man said loudly as he reached them. He held his glass out at Luke. “How merlot can you go?”

His explosive laugh was so loud it turned heads, but Luke followed his lead, laughing right along while shaking his hand. Alex smiled politely. He was used to dealing with all kinds of characters at the restaurant. The man then turned to Valerie. “How are you, beautiful?” He leaned in giving Valerie a big hug.

“Is that a corkscrew in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?” Valerie’s impression of Mae West was spot on. Alex was impressed and surprised he’d never heard it. He saw a side of Valerie tonight he’d never seen.

The man put his hand over his mouth and feigned embarrassment. “Forgive me for I have zinned.”

He wheezed long and hard before breaking into cackles. Valerie laughed genuinely and even Alex had to chuckle. The jokes were awful but the jolly man’s laughter was contagious.

Once done with his fit of laughter the man pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his forehead.

“Alex, this is Joe Newman, a client of ours,” Valerie said smiling big. Alex reached out and shook Joe’s hand. “Joe this is my friend, Alex.”

Alex glanced at Valerie. She looked at him and quickly turned back to Joe. Alex wondered if the reason he’d gone back to being just her friend had anything to do with Luke standing there.

As the evening went on, Alex was continually surprised with the side of Valerie he’d never had a pleasure of witnessing. She was in her element. He now knew why she’d become so successful so quickly. She was definitely a people person. As if she’d done this a million times, she worked the room like a pro. Everyone they spoke with seemed genuinely taken by her. No one would’ve ever guessed this was her first time at one of these events.

He also noticed how the men ogled and almost all seemed to turn into gushing idiots around her. It was as if she’d put a spell on them. He had to wonder if he ever acted that way with her and didn’t even realize it. These men sure didn’t seem to. It was hard to believe she managed to stay single for an entire year. Well, except for the two short lived incidents she told him about.

Even with Alex standing next to her, making it blaringly obvious she was with him, they still had no qualms about being overly friendly. This was especially true as the night persisted and the wine continued to flow. Copyright 2016 - 2024