Isabel smiled tilting her head. “Maybe after the wedding, when you don’t have to think about seeing Alex anymore, it’ll get easier.”

Valerie got up and started toward her room. “I hope so, Isabel. ‘Cause this sucks.”

She decided she was going to have a lazy weekend. Take a shower, read, maybe work on the painting some more. Anything to keep her mind off Alex. God, she felt pathetic.

She thought about making a date with her handy, Mr. Perfect, later that night, then thought better of it. That, if anything, would probably bring the most vivid thoughts of Alex. Well, hell, Alex was going to be the cause of yet another break up.


Monday came quickly, and Valerie had only one thing on her mind: breaking things off with Luke, No stalling. She needed a clean break before things got any heavier. She didn’t want to ruin their work relationship, although she knew it would be damaged.

Valerie had uptime, meaning she answered the office phone and any leads that came in were hers. The whole office rotated. Monday mornings were hers. She liked having Monday morning uptime. Anyone who had been out during the weekend looking at homes would be calling. The phones were busy, and she was glad for the distraction.

She would take another call or two before taking a break and talked to Luke. As she took the next call, she was sitting back in her chair, but the voice on the line made her sit straight up.

“So, you’re really doing the boss now uh, Val?”

Unbelievable, even after being knocked out, Bruce was still following her?

“Are you going to need your other eye swollen shut too?”

“That was a sucker, punch and you know it. That ass**le better watch his back—”

Valerie hung up on him. She wouldn’t give him the pleasure. The phone rang again. Either she picked it up, or someone else would. She took a deep breath and answered again.

“Do you want me telling everyone in that office about you and the boss?”

“Whatever floats your boat.” Valerie did her best to sound unconcerned. “You’re not bullying me into giving in to you.”

“All I want is a little time alone with you, so we can talk. I have a lot to tell you. It’s all I wanted the other night.”

The skin on her arms immediately prickled with goose bumps. What could he possibly say that he hadn’t already said? There was no way Valerie would be alone with this psycho. No way would she give him any more of her time. But what if he did start calling the office telling everyone about her and Luke?

“I’m listening.”

“In person.”


“Valerie, it’s going to happen. Why not do this the easy way?”

“Are you threatening me?”

Bruce chuckled. “Take it how ever you want, just consider yourself warned. I’ve tried being nice.”

“I’m agreeing to talk to you on the phone. Take it or leave it.”

Bruce lowered his voice. “Was making love to a man who wanted you and only you exciting?”

Valerie squeezed her eyes shut. She wasn’t bringing Bruce into her private life. Obviously, he knew she’d spent the night but didn’t know what really happened. Still, maybe this would work to her advantage. “Yes, Bruce it was. I’m in love and finally happy. Can you respect that?”

The line went dead. Valerie took a deep breath and ran her hands over her arms. She gave it a few minutes in case the phone rang again. When it didn’t ring for a while she stood up, and leaned into the cubicle next to her as she walked by. “I’m taking a break, so go ahead and answer the main line if it rings.”

Andrew, the agent in the cubicle, nodded and gave her the thumbs up as he sipped his coffee.

She was still thinking about what Bruce said when she walked into Luke’s office. Her expression must have looked as anxious as she was feeling, because Luke immediately asked if something was wrong.

“I don’t think it’s going to work out.” She stood awkwardly in the middle of his office.

“What’s not going to work out?”

“Me and you. I have too much going on in my head right now. I don’t think it’s fair to you.”

Luke leaned back in his chair and fiddled with his pen. “Don’t use me as an excuse, Valerie. I told you I’m willing to be patient.”

Valerie shifted her weight from one leg to the other, beginning to wonder why she’d gotten out of bed that morning. “Okay, I’m just not ready for a relationship right now. And to be honest, I really don’t think this is a good idea.” She gestured toward the door. “If anyone out there gets wind of us, it’s not gonna to be pretty. I think its best we just remain friends.”

Valerie wished he would just agree, so she could get out of there already. But the expression on his face said otherwise.

“I disagree. I think you are ready for a relationship, obviously not a sexual one… yet. But like I said, I’m willing to wait.” He tossed his pen on the desk. “As far as anyone finding out, how would they?”

Only because Bruce calling the office again was a definite possibility, she decided to fill him in on it. She explained briefly the latest incidents with Bruce, and the phone call she just received. Luke wasn’t happy.

“I could care less about him calling here and saying anything, but maybe you should think about getting a restraining order on the guy. He sounds dangerous.”

Valerie nodded, hoping that was the end of it. “I still think you’re making a mistake about us, Valerie. I really wish you’d reconsider.” Copyright 2016 - 2024