She nodded, but before she could answer the guy continued even louder than before. “Of course she’s okay. This is none of your damn business.”

Alex stepped closer to the guy, speaking inches from his face. “I’m making it my business.”

Valerie grabbed Alex’s hand. “No Alex, he’s not worth it.”

Alex glanced back at Valerie, somewhat relieved she hadn’t defended the ass**le. “Is this-”

“No!” She shook her head adamantly.

He felt the guys hand on his shoulder. Alex turned slowly, trying not to lose it. He’d made a huge mistake touching Alex. The guy knew it, too. The moment their eyes met, he immediately pulled his hand back.

“Bruce,” Valerie stepped in front of Alex in an attempt to make him step back. Alex didn’t budge, not even when he felt her behind press against his thigh. “I’ve nothing to speak to you about. I’ve made that perfectly clear already.”

Making an even worse mistake, Bruce reached for Valerie’s arm. Alex caught his wrist and with one step, he stood in front of Valerie and Bruce’s wrist was one squeeze away from being broken. Though he felt like tearing him apart, he managed to keep his voice level and spoke in his face again.

“Touch her again, and you’re dead.”

Valerie tugged at his arm. Bruce cracked a very forced smile and pulled his wrist away from Alex. Alex let go, but he wasn’t backing down now. Bruce backed away from him a couple of steps.

“Wow, Valerie, you must really have them lining up.” He cackled and glared at Alex. “Your turn to tap that loose little ass tonight?”

The cannon in Alex went off and with it, his fist. Bruce didn’t even see it coming. Nothing could explain the satisfaction he felt landing that right hook on Bruce’s eye. His body hit the floor with a flop, his head bouncing on the stone tiles.

“Whoa!” Romero jumped in front of him. In seconds he was surrounded by Romero, Eric and the bar’s security staff. Romero waved them off. “I got this, guys. We’re cool.”

Eric, who’d gone down on his knee, immediately tapped Bruce’s cheek with his fingers. He looked up at Romero and Alex. “He’s out.”

Romero frowned but assured the security staff again, that everything was under control. He addressed the main guy personally. “Randy, let me handle this one, okay? Don’t worry.”

Randy nodded. He spoke into his radio, “This is R.D reporting, code red, room one, under control. I repeat code red, room one, under control.” He gave Alex a stern look as he walked by him. Security worked to disperse the crowd that had cheered and laughed when Alex knocked out Bruce.

Alex worked hard to calm the rage he was still feeling over Bruce’s comment. The thought of Valerie sleeping with this guy made him squeeze his fist so hard it shook. He turned to Valerie who stood there staring down at Bruce. Instinctively his fist opened and he slid his hand in hers. She looked up at him. Those dark anxious eyes did things to him he couldn’t even begin to understand.

“You think he’s going to be okay?”

“Do you really care?” Alex clenched his jaw.

“About him? No. but I’d hate for you to be in any kind of trouble.”

Alex forced his eyes away from Valerie long enough to watch Romero and Eric bring a very groggy Bruce to his feet. The guy was so out of it he struggled to focus his eyes. Romero laughed. “You okay, buddy? Need some water?”

Romero glanced at Alex. “You should get back to our pool table, dude, before they ask you to leave.”

Valerie slipped her hand out of his gently. Alex didn’t persist. She’d had enough male forcefulness for one night.

“Who was that?”

“A mistake I made a while back.”

Alex squeezed his hand into a fist again wondering what kind of mistake, but didn’t ask. “What’s he want now?”

“To talk about us going out again.” She sighed. “I guess some guys just can’t take no for an answer.”

Alex wondered if there was anything in that last sentence meant for him. “So, why isn’t your boyfriend here?”

“Oh,” She paused and glanced away. “He’s coming, got caught up with a client. But he’ll be here.”

Alex worked his jaw some more. He’d actually gotten his hopes up, thinking he might be able to talk to her tonight. They made their way through the crowd until they reached the area with the pool table. Isabel and Sofia stood by the entrance.

“Alex, what did you do?” Sofia frowned.

“Took some guy’s lights out!” Romero laughed behind him.

Sofia’s eyes opened wide. “You did?”

Alex attempted to smirk but he still reeled with thoughts of Valerie and the other men in her life now. He glanced at Romero. “So, what happened with him?”

Romero walked around the pool table. The girls sat down at the table, but Alex stayed at the entrance of the room.

“The bartender is going through that guy’s phone. If they can’t get someone to pick him up they’re gonna call him a cab. He almost went out again at the bar. That guy’s gonna have a shiner of all shiners.”

Eric laughed. “What happened? Why’d you clock ‘em?”

Alex shrugged. “He pissed me off.”

“Obviously, but why?”

Alex and Valerie exchanged glances. “Valerie can tell you about it. I gotta get going.” Copyright 2016 - 2024