Luke was right on time, but that didn’t surprise her. Being the office manager, he’d always been a pedant for punctuality.

They picked up her car and then she followed him to one of the more upscale bed and breakfasts in La Jolla. Luke insisted the place served the best breakfast in the area.

Valerie was pleasantly surprised at the ease she felt during breakfast. She completely expected to feel some kind of awkwardness. They talked and laughed as if nothing had happened the night before to change things between them. She even told him about what a big fan she was of George Stone, the well-known real estate guru and motivational speaker. She had several of his books and DVDs but had yet to see him speak in person.

Luke immediately texted someone about getting them tickets to his next event. He said he was sure he could get them. Valerie had to admit she was impressed. She’d tried getting tickets before, and they were always sold out. She knew getting tickets through a third party would be expensive.

That was one of the biggest differences between him and Alex. That would take some time to get used to. While they were both well-off financially, Alex never flaunted it. He was low key about it from the clothes he wore right down to the truck he drove. He wasn’t cheap, but he didn’t feel the need to drive a flashy car. Luke, on the other hand, drove a Jaguar and wore a different pair of very expensive cufflinks everyday. He dressed in designer clothes all the way, even his sunglasses.

After breakfast they walked back out to her car. Once there, Luke embraced her. “I hope you’re not going to feel weird about this at the office. I promise I’ll be as discreet as possible.”

Valerie smiled. If things felt anything like breakfast had she could live with it. “I think I’ll be alright. But I definitely want to keep it to ourselves. I don’t want people talking.”

“Deal.” He said. “Just one question.”

Valerie looked at him curious. “What?”

“You’re not seeing anyone else, are you?”

She bit her lip glancing away but shook her head. “No, I’m not.”

“You sure?” He chuckled. “That wasn’t very convincing.”

She glanced back at him. “No, I would be honest if I was.”

“Good,” Luke smiled. “Because when I’m seeing someone, it’s just the one person. I hope you’re the same way. I’d hate to get my hopes up and then find out there’s someone else.”

Valerie surprised Luke and herself by kissing him. It was a soft one but she actually felt something.

After the nightmare she’d gone through with Bruce, she knew a guy suggesting they be exclusive after only a couple of dates should set off a few red flags. But she knew Luke well enough to know he wasn’t the crazy person Bruce turned out to be. He was a good guy.

The truth was all this time she’d been stuck on someone who would never be satisfied with just her, and now here was Luke. Just one day after kissing her for the first time, he was telling her she was the only one. It felt good. Real good.


Instead of going back to the office to write up the offer from the day before, Valerie decided to work at home for the day. She was dying to talk to Isabel about Romero.

It was funny the way things seemed to work out with her and Isabel’s social lives lately. When she’d dated Bruce, Isabel started dating their neighbor from two doors down, Lawrence. They both turned out to be jerks, though Lawrence wasn’t nearly as bad as Bruce.

Lawrence was just an arrogant professor who thought he knew it all. Isabel tried to deal with him but, he was too annoying. He liked correcting everyone. He made the mistake of correcting Isabel’s mom, who Valerie loved because she was such a spitfire. Valerie was mad she’d missed it, but laughed hysterically when Isabel gave her the blow by blow. After that Isabel said she’d had enough of him and told him it’d be better if they simply remained friends.

Now here they were both starting new adventures at the same time again. Though she’d call her experience with Bruce a lot of things before she’d call it an adventure.

She hoped Isabel and Romero would hit it off. Then the bittersweet reality hit her like a brick. Yet someone else in her life would be closely involved in Alex’s circle. He’d never be entirely out of her life.

She shook it off. Isabel deserved to be happy. With her cousin marrying his brother, she was doomed to run into him forever anyway. She’d have to make the best of it. Besides it was only one dinner Isabel had with Romero. Chances were she was making way too much out of it.

First thing she noticed when she walked in the door was Isabel dancing along to the radio in the kitchen. Then she noticed how nice she looked. Though she was in jeans and a sweater, she’d really done herself up. She’d curled her hair, done her eyes the way Valerie always said made her look so sexy, and she had her contacts in. But most noticeably she wore her high heeled sling-backs.

Valerie couldn’t help smiling. “Are you going out?”

Isabel didn’t even try to hold back the silly grin, but she stopped dancing. “Yes.”

“With Romero?”

Isabel nodded, and Valerie thought she saw her blush.

Valerie dropped everything and rushed to jump onto the kitchen counter. She put her hands under her thighs.

“Okay tell me, tell me. I wanna know everything?” She didn’t care if he was Alex’s friend anymore. She’d never seen Isabel this giddy, and she was happy for her. Copyright 2016 - 2024