Until today.

Just as I’m getting ready to head to my workout with Brian, there is a knock at my door. My smile is automatic. That is, until I open it and see Sloane standing where Reese should be.

Her mouth is turned down, her expression one of sadness.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, a bit alarmed.

She reaches out and wraps her arms around me, pulling me to her and squeezing me tightly. “I just wish you were coming with us.”

I grin, relieved and flattered. “I do, too, but I have to work, so…”

She leans back to look at me, the light of friendship gleaming in her eyes. “Well, I’m sure I’ll be seeing you again.” She gives me a wink and grabs my hand. “Come on. You have to say goodbye to Hemi and Sig. Otherwise, Sig will pout the whole rest of the trip.”

I laugh, quickly pulling my door shut behind me as she drags me off down the hall. I liked Sloane from day one and I really will miss her on board.

When we reach the top of the stairs, I look out the window and see Reese walking away from Hemi and Sig. He must’ve been saying his own goodbyes. My eyes watch the spot where he disappeared as we make our way out into the sun, but there’s no sign of his return. I try not to feel too disappointed by that.

Hemi is waiting for us with a smile when Sloane and I reach him. Sloane snuggles up under his arm, like she so often does, and turns her adoring eyes up to him as he speaks. “Sure you don’t want to come with us?” he asks me. “I’m sure Sig wouldn’t mind that one bit.”

I glance at Sig who’s shaking his head vigorously. “Not. One. Bit.”

I grin. I can’t help but like these people. “I guess I’d better stay on board. A girl’s gotta work.”

“And what fine work you do, if I might say so myself, Ms. Moore,” Sig teases with a twirl of his imaginary mustache.

“I’ll admit it’s probably going to be all boring around here once you all leave.”

I see the look Hemi and Sloane share. “Ummm, I don’t think that’s going to be a problem,” Sloane says. “I think Reese will be keeping you plenty busy.” She gives me an exaggerated wink and I laugh, dismissing her comment with a wave of my hand, but secretly thrilled by her speculation.

“Just be careful,” Hemi says, less than playfully. “Reese is a pretty driven guy.”

“I know. I’ve known that for a long time.”

A strange silence falls between us until Sig pulls me in for a tight hug. “Anytime you feel like traveling south, you give me a call. I’ll show you southern comfort like you’ve never even dreamed of!” he drawls, twitching his eyebrows up and down.

I lightly slap his arm and he releases me. I’m still shaking my head at his antics as the trio make their way off the yacht, leaving me at loose ends again until the clients arrive and somebody tells me what the hell I’m supposed to do with myself.

I make my way back to my room. I haven’t been inside for five minutes before there’s another knock at my door. Once again, my stomach lurches in anticipation, but this time I open the door to see Brian standing there.

“Welcome to play day in the woods, little red riding hood,” he says with a broad smile.


“Since we don’t have clients until tonight, we get the day to explore a little. Do you have plans?”

“Ummm, not that I know of.”

“Well then get your stuff. You’re coming with me,” he says enthusiastically. “There are a couple of places we love to visit on the island when we get the chance, but Lee can’t come. So you’re my companion for the day. Wear comfortable shoes and a bathing suit. And bring a hat. And a towel. I’ll meet you up top in twenty minutes.”

With that, he leans down and kisses my cheek before trotting off the way he’d come.

I’m thankful that Brian and I have fast become friends. I really like him. And even though I’m pleased that he’d ask me to accompany him and that he’s sort of looking out for me, I’m still disappointed that I haven’t heard from Reese.

As I pack a cross-body tote with the essentials, including a towel, I remind myself that this is Hawaii and that I don’t need Reese to have a good time or to enjoy such a beautiful place. I’m still telling myself that as I head for the upper deck to meet Brian.

It turns out that not having fun with Brian is a practical impossibility. What started out as a bit of a down morning leads to a beautiful day in Hawaii. He first takes me to where a rented Jeep is waiting to carry us the few miles to a hiking path that leads to the top of Hualalai Volcano. Following that, we go shopping in Kailua Kona and then we take a short bike trip to a private beach beyond a thatch of forest near the coast. There, we swim in the most heavenly waters on earth.

As we splash around in the crystal clear Pacific, we chit chat about things that any friends might talk of, including our love lives.

“Yeah, Lee and I usually come here together. It’s a great place to get a little alone time when clients or employers or other crew members aren’t watching.” He gives me a conspiratorial wink.

“So you and Lee are…are…”

“Lovers?” he asks with a grin. “Yes, you can say it.”

“I didn’t mean…I mean…I’m just not used to talking about this kind of thing with anybody.”

“Don’t you have girlfriends to talk to back home?”

I shrug, focusing on the flutter of my hands just beneath the glistening surface. “Not really. It’s hard for me to get close to people.”

“Well, then let’s bond, girl,” Brian says with a flourish. “Come on,” he says, taking my hand and towing me back toward shore. “Let’s get free.”

“What’s getting free?” I ask, pushing my legs through the water to keep up with him so that he doesn’t actually start to drag me.

“That’s when we strip down and get some sun all over.”

I pull back against the grip he has on my hand. “You’ve got to be joking! I am not taking off my clothes in public.”

Brian stops to give me a dubious look. “This is hardly public,” he says, sweeping his hand across the empty, tree-lined beach.

“But still…”

“But nothing. You need to loosen up. And I’m just the person to help you do it.”

“Not likely.”

Brian stops again, frowning down at me. “What is it? Have you neglected your grooming? Are you hiding a Rapunzel-length braid down there somewhere?”

I can’t help but grin at his offended expression. “You’re sick, you know that? And what is it with you and fairy tale references?”

“Don’t change the subject. Now you’ve got me curious. What are you hiding?”

“Nothing. God.”

“Good. Then come on. Let’s get na**d.”

He tugs me up to our towels and then releases my hand to start stripping. I watch his unabashed undressing, taking in his fantastic body. It quickly becomes obvious that he sunbathes in the nude quite often. There’s not a white patch of skin anywhere on him.

“That’s The Bishop,” he says, catching me as I look him over.

My eyes fly to his and my lips quiver in amusement. “You call your…your…junk ‘The Bishop’?”

“Hell yeah! If you had junk like that, wouldn’t you give it an awesome name?”

I let my giggle go and admit to Brian, “Probably.”

The smile he gives me is happy and relaxed. “Now, your turn.”

As if he knows his attention might make me uncomfortable, Brian stretches out on his towel, tucks his folded hands behind his head and closes his eyes. I watch him for a few seconds, debating whether to run back to the water or just plop down on my towel, too.

“Just because my eyes are closed doesn’t mean I don’t know you’re still wearing too many clothes,” he says in a sing-song voice, making me roll my eyes. “And don’t you roll those big green eyes at me.”

That makes me laugh outright. “Are you sure your eyes are closed?”

“Just do it, for god’s sake.”

I exhale loudly. “Fine, but you better never tell a soul about this.”

“I make no promises. I might have to sell your wares to the clients.”

“The hell you will!” I exclaim, reaching for the ties to my top.

Brian laughs this time. “It’s not like that. Unless you want it to be, of course.”

“Which I don’t,” I assure him as I hurriedly drop my top then my bottoms and flop down on my towel.

“I doubt that would end well anyway.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I’d say our fearless leader would draw and quarter any such unlucky bastard and then toss his bits and pieces into the sea.”

I turn my head to look at Brian. He squints his eyes and looks over at me, too.

“Why do you say that?”

“Girl, everybody knows he’s got a thing for you.”

“He does not.”

Brian snorts. “Whatever you say.”

When he closes his eyes and turns his face back up toward the sun, I nibble my lip for a minute before asking. “What makes you say that anyway?”

Brian’s lips curve into a smile. “I know him. I’ve seen him around a lot of beautiful women and I know when he wants one of them. And trust me, that man wants you.”

That’s not quite the answer I was hoping for. “Well, he’d better get used to disappointment because he’s not going to get me.”

“Mmmm hmmm,” Brian murmurs doubtfully. “By the way, nice rack.”

I jerk my head back around to find Brian grinning broadly. I punch his rock-hard arm. “You weren’t supposed to look.”

“I had to make sure I didn’t need to rent a bushwhacker while we were here.”

“You’re sick,” I half laugh-half sneer.

We both fall quiet and I find the combination of easy companionship and warm sun a very effective muscle relaxer. It’s not long before I feel like I might doze off. That’s when I feel eyes on me. Like a little prickle along the nape of my neck. I cross my arms protectively over my chest as I sit up and look around. I don’t see anyone else. It appears we are as alone as ever. But as I lie back on my towel, I wonder if there’s any way Reese could have found us. Reflexively, my ni**les furl into tight buds, thoughts of his mouth on me bringing about a very physical reaction.

That signified the end of any relaxation I might’ve had.


Whether they know that I know is debatable, but I’m aware of Brian’s relationship with Lee. I’d have to be a complete fool not to notice. A man has a sixth sense about these things.

I’ve never said anything because it hasn’t become a problem. And I hope it won’t.

When I went to get Kennedy late this morning and she wasn’t in her cabin, it didn’t take much asking around to find out that she went ashore with Brian. Lee was more than happy to tell me where Brian took her. I don’t know if Brian simply told him or if they have special places they go together when neither is working. Either way, I finally located her.

I heard talking and hushed laughter as I walked the shaded trail that led through the dense vegetation. I recognized the higher tones of Kennedy’s voice so I knew I was on the right path. I expected to find her when I reached the end of the forest, but nothing could’ve prepared me for the sight of her lying na**d on a white-sand beach, bathed in golden sunlight. Or the jealousy that streaked through me when I saw a man at her side.

The fact that Brian is g*y makes no difference to me. I don’t want any man enjoying Kennedy like this unless that man is me.

As I watch them, fuming and debating how to approach them, Kennedy grows still, her face going lax as though she might be falling asleep. I let my eyes roam her perfect form. High cheekbones turned up to the sun. Graceful arms tucked against her sides. Lush, round br**sts standing firm in the center of her narrow chest. Flat stomach and gently flaring hips. Small triangle of short hair between her slim thighs. I’ve never wanted anything more than I want her right this minute. Not ever.

To touch her…to put my hands on her and my fingers inside her…to taste that creamy skin…to feel her liquid desire bathing my c**k from deep inside…

I see her brow furrow before she moves her head. As though she can sense my eyes on her, she crosses her arms over her chest and sits up to look around. I can’t see her eyes through the slits of her lids, but I imagine she’s scanning the area for someone or something. When she seems satisfied that they are still alone, she relaxes again, letting her arm fall back to her side.

Saliva pours into my mouth when I think of sucking on one of those pink little nipples. As I watch, they pucker, making my c**k jump inside my shorts.

I bite back a groan as I fight the urge to go to her, to lick her hot skin and suck the moisture from between her legs. But it wouldn’t happen that way today. Not the way things are right now, and certainly not with Brian beside her.

Besides, I want her begging me for it. And that will happen soon enough. Sooner than she thinks.


I’m pleasantly exhausted by the time Brian and I get back to the boat. A nasty storm rolled in, but we were due back to the boat anyway, so our day wasn’t cut short at all.

I stretch out on my bed, not quite ready to let go of the boneless feeling that I’ve had since I catnapped on the beach, when someone flings open my door, bringing me to instant alertness.

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