Mia’s aunt works weekends and didn’t have enough vacation time to take off for this, and the actual delivery. I know it kills her to not have the one connection to her mother here, but she’s always kept her sadness hidden for the most part. Until now.

I bend down, resting my hand on hers and bringing my face to her level. “I’m sorry she couldn’t be here. But she’s definitely coming when you have the baby. There’s no way she’s going to miss that.” Mia smiles, nodding. “Are you ready to start?”

She looks over my shoulder. “Nolan. Do you want to help me open my presents?”

“Oh, yeah!” he yells behind me.

I straighten as Reed comes over with a notepad and pen, holding it out to me. “This first gift is from Mia’s aunt,” I tell him, ignoring the task he’s trying to pass off.

He frowns, looking down at the notepad and then back at me. “Seriously? You’re making me do this?”

“Aww, thanks, Reed. That’s so sweet of you,” Mia says with a huge deliberate grin.

He moves to stand next to me, mumbling some response under his breath and he flips the notepad open.

“Here, buddy. Let me dry you off a little.” Ben wraps Nolan up in a towel, rubbing it over his wild hair. I see Luke emerge out of the water in my peripheral vision, but my eyes decide they want more than just a glimpse. My head turns to fully engage him when movement over his shoulder grabs my attention. My cousin Leah, who was firmly planted in a lawn chair on the other side of the pool moments ago, is now standing by a small table, covered in beach towels, readying one for Luke.

“No fucking way.” I’m moving before I even realize it, marching directly at my slutty cousin and beating Luke to the table. We don’t see much of each other. She’s only in town for the week, and we’ve always been friendly, but I will drop kick her in those fake tits if she thinks she has a chance here.

I snatch the towel out of her hands and take in her startled reaction. “What are you doing?”

She looks past me, seemingly in Luke’s direction, and then returns her gaze to me. “I’m being hospitable. Give me that.”

“Hospitable? Give me a break. You just want to towel him off.”

She licks the corner of her mouth, resituating her tube top so more of her silicon-enhanced cleavage is on display. “Who wouldn’t? And what do you care, anyway? You said you two broke up.”

I step closer, backing her up against the table. “You don’t make a play for somebody’s ex unless they give you the go ahead first, Leah. What the fuck is wrong with you? Go after Reed. He’s single.”

She leans back against me, pushing me off a bit. “I’ve been down that road, remember? Two summers ago, when I visited with my dad? Reed’s wild, and I would definitely be up for another round with him, but he made it perfectly clear then that he doesn’t double dip.” She grabs another towel. “Now, if you don’t mind…”

“I do mind,” I interject, sidestepping so she can’t walk past me. Leah towers over my five-foot, three-inch frame, but I will go buck on her ass right in front of everyone here if she goes against the number one rule of girl code.

She lifts her gaze from my face, and immediately paints on her most engaging smile as she connects with someone behind me. And by the look of her, I don’t need to turn around to know who it is.

“Oh, hi, Luke. I’m Leah. Here you go.”

She holds the towel out and I grab it before he does and shove both of the ones I’m now holding against his dripping chest. “Here,” I snarl up at him. “Do us all a favor and put a shirt on after you dry off.”

“Or don’t,” Leah adds behind my back.

Luke grabs the towel, brushing his wet hand against mine, and lingers on my face before he looks past me at Leah. And then either because he’s interested, which I wouldn’t put past him—she’s decent looking, and he’s into anything with a mouth—or because I’m standing here and he wants to get to me, he smiles his overplayed and highly alluring playboy smile and steps closer to her, boxing me out.

“What did you say your name was again?”

“Leah. I’m Ben’s cousin.”

And apparently not mine. Nor is she a friend, for pulling this shit.

She holds out her hand for him to shake, and I’m suddenly glued to the pavement, unable to move or speak as the two of them obnoxiously flirt with each other. I think I hear Mia and Reed calling my name, but I can’t be sure. Because right now, all of my energy is focused on the fucked up situation unfolding in front of me.

“So, you’ll still be here next Saturday? You should come to the bonfire. I’ll be there.” Luke turns and briefly glances at me, making sure I’ve heard what he’s just said.

Yeah. I fucking heard it.

“Oh, awesome! I’ll definitely be there.” Leah digs into her clutch and pulls out a pen. “Let me give you my number and maybe we can hang out before then.”

I don’t think, I just move. Grabbing onto Luke’s elbow, I pull him away from my desperate cousin and the pen she’s offering, dragging him toward the house. I hold my hand up to Mia, silently telling her to give me a moment, and she answers me with a sympathetic smile. Luke goes willingly with me, through my parents’ house and down the hallway to the bedrooms. I open the door to my old room and shove him inside, slamming the door shut behind me.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I ask, as he straightens up and glares at me. I step closer, bringing us only a foot apart. “Are you seriously going to make a play for my cousin? That’s screwed up on so many levels.”

He tosses the towels onto the bed before coming forward. I instinctively step back but he moves with me, stepping closer until my back is against the door. He flattens his hands on the wood beside my head, closing in on me.

He’s so intimidating. Everything about Luke screams predator, from his size to his tattoos, but he’s never scared me. Even though he’s towering over me, keeping me right where he wants me, and taking away any and all personal space I have, I don’t feel threatened.

I feel something I’ve been trying to block out for twelve months.

He drops his head, bringing us to eye level. “I’ll make a play for whoever the fuck I want. Your cousin’s hot, and clearly into me, so why the hell shouldn’t I have some fun with her?”

“Because she’s my cousin, asshole. You don’t see me lurking around your family tree.”

“No. You’re too busy looking for dick on the Internet, like a dumbass,” he snarls, brushing his nose against mine.

He’s so close to me, his damp, taut body, skimming against the front of mine, teasing me with the slightest bit of contact. I have to grip the bottom of my shorts to keep myself from grabbing him. From pulling him completely against me. From touching his… holy shit.

“Luke,” I pant, letting my eyes take in the hard-on that’s pressing against the front of his bathing suit. Why is he hard right now? Is it the fact that he’s practically on top of me? Is it because I’m half-naked myself? Or is it… fucking piece of shit.

I palm his crotch and he grits his teeth, hissing into a moan. Twisting my wrist, I get a better hold before I squeeze. Hard.

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