“Well, I’m fine. I’ve been at the studio for the past two hours and Sasha and I are going back to my apartment now.”

Matt looked uncomfortable. “Uh, I’m supposed to bring you to the Alexanders’ place and stay with you until he gets here.”

Sasha appeared at Matt’s side. “Gets here. Eli’s coming back?”

At Matt’s nod, Sasha turned to Kay, her eyes gleaming. “I don’t mind if you take a rain check on our movie date. You should go, make sure everything’s okay.”

Kay narrowed her eyes at her friend. “I’m sure it won’t take that long. You could come with me.”

Sasha made a show of looking at the clock hanging on the wall behind her. “It’s already so late. I’m sure you’ll need time to get all this sorted out. I’ll just call you later. Or tomorrow. In case you get home late tonight.”

Kay grabbed her handbag. “I’m sure I won’t be out that long.” Although it would please her friend immensely if she was. Sasha had never agreed with her decision to give up on Elliott. If her friend had her way, Kay would have followed him to Northern Virginia and cornered him with an offer he couldn’t refuse.

“A girl can always hope,” Sasha whispered.

Kay pasted a smile on her face and zipped up her coat. “I guess we’d better go, then.” She turned to Jackson and Mac. “Sorry to run out on you. Hopefully we can finish tomorrow.”

“Whenever. Like I said, we’re ahead of schedule.” Jackson exchanged another one of those silent looks with Matt. “I think I’ll come with you guys if you don’t mind.”

“I can close up, Jack.” Mac offered her a sympathetic smile.

“Thanks, man. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Jackson retrieved his own coat and followed them out into the freezing night air.

He waved at them before getting into his sedan. Sasha gave Kaylee another quick hug. “Call me tomorrow with details. Hopefully something juicy.”

“I doubt there will be anything good to report.” She waited, Matt at her side while her friend unlocked her little economy car and got inside. Then she followed Matt over to his truck. He unlocked it with the remote on his keychain and she threw her stuff on the floor of the cab before hoisting herself up into the seat.

“So, are you going to tell me what’s really going on now?”

Matt glanced over at her. His eyes were so dark she could barely make out the color in the dim interior of the vehicle, but she couldn’t miss his smirk. “You thought I was joking before? When have you ever known boss man to be forthcoming with details?”

Kay couldn’t argue with that. Eli Alexander didn’t like unnecessary questions and rarely bothered with explanations at all. She was probably lucky he’d told Matt anything at all instead of just ordering him to drag her by her hair back to his parents’ house.

“Hold on, I think this is him now.” Matt pulled out his phone and turned on the speakerphone. “Eli, I’m here with Kay now.”

“Good. I don’t want to get into specifics over the phone, but I need to ask her a few questions.”

“Okay, what do you need to know?” Kay asked.

“Are you dating anyone? Specifically, anyone with access to your apartment.”

Kay flushed. Matt kept his eyes on the road, but there was no way she was imagining the sudden tension in the car. It had to be as awkward for him as it was for her.

“No. I’ve been too busy recording and working. The only men I see on a regular basis are your brothers and my dad.”

Eli grunted on the other end of the line. “What about Hope’s father? He hasn’t come around recently has he?”

“No. That would require him to acknowledge her existence. Something he doesn’t really want to do.”

“Have you noticed anyone hanging around? Seen anyone who doesn’t look right near the studio or anything?”

Kay exchanged a glance with Matt. He looked as worried as she felt. “Not that I’ve noticed. Am I in danger? I thought the guy who sent those letters was in prison.”

“He is.” Eli paused. “I just received something in the mail that makes me think we might have gotten the wrong guy.”

KAYLEE SAT UP to accept the cup of warm cocoa Julia Alexander pressed into her hands. She’d already been wrapped in a warm blanket and given a plate of cookies to munch on. If Eli didn’t get here soon, she was going to be delirious and in a sugar coma from all the mothering.

“Thank you so much, Mrs. Alexander. You really didn’t need to go to so much trouble.”

“Please, call me Julia. You’re practically family.” Julia fussed around her, adjusting the blanket and tidying the items on the side table.

Kay observed her over the top of the mug, wondering what it was about the woman that put everyone instantly at ease. It wasn’t so much that Julia looked different from her own mother, it was that she felt different. She exuded a warmth that suggested she would always have a hug and a smile ready for anyone who needed them. Julia Alexander accepted people as they were. She wasn’t looking for imperfections in the people she met or searching for things to criticize.

“Thank you, Mrs.… Miss Julia,” she stammered. It was nearly impossible for her to call an older person by their first name. She’d never been allowed to growing up so now she found, it just felt wrong.

“Such a sweet girl. I can tell you were raised right. I still can’t call Mark’s mother by her first name, either. Now, you just drink your cocoa and relax. Hopefully Eli will be here soon.” She patted Kay’s knee and then walked back to the kitchen.

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