Kay clapped. “I never thought I’d be so excited just to go out for dinner.”

Mara waved good-bye as Ridley left. Then she turned back to Kay. “Well, Matt and I are staying here. So, that means we can watch movies and eat chocolate all day.”

AFTER JACKSON AND Ridley left, Eli pondered the best way to convince Kay to leave, too. If he was the guy’s target, then it wasn’t in anyone’s best interest to stay near him. Jackson hadn’t wanted to leave, but fear for his pregnant wife came first and foremost.

Eli wished he could wave a magic wand and move them all to a safe place. If he told Kay what was going on, she wouldn’t want to leave him behind either. He wasn’t sure what he’d done in another life to deserve all the people in his life who loved him so much, but putting them in danger seemed like a crappy way to repay their loyalty. The only thing he could do was leave without telling her. Tank and Matt could stay behind to protect her. This guy clearly knew Eli well if he’d figured out that hurting Kay was the best way to get to him.

He shouldn’t be surprised, really. He’d known it would only be a matter of time before his past caught up with him. Considering the types of guys he’d run with back in the day, it was only surprising it hadn’t happened sooner.

Tank appeared in the doorway. “We’ve set up a surveillance van. What should we tell the girls?”

“Nothing right now. Eventually I’ll figure out a way to get Kay out of here without arousing her suspicions. If I’m the one he’s after, then I’m the one he’ll get. No one else.”

Tank and Matt left so Eli could start getting his things together. Leaving Kay wasn’t what he wanted to do, but it was inevitable. Being together was a dream. Reality was that he was a hazard. She’d come into his life and brought joy, laughter, and light. He wouldn’t repay that by knowingly putting her in danger. He would make some calls, get things in order. She would be protected always.

But not by him.

The sounds of feminine laughter floated through the walls. Mara and Kay were still in the guest room watching a movie. He moved around quietly since Hope was asleep in the corner. After he’d put together a week’s worth of clothes, he zipped them into a duffel bag, then walked over to the playpen and looked down at Hope. She was asleep with her bottom in the air and her blanket clutched in her fist. The sight filled him with a bittersweet longing.

For a short time he’d been a part of their lives, and he would cherish the memories they’d given him forever.

He carried the duffel bag out to the garage and stashed it in the back of his truck. Over the years he’d learned to function with the bare minimum, so he had no doubt that what he’d packed could stretch for a month if he needed it to. There were several safe houses he could retreat to, but it was tempting not to bother. Maybe he should just check into a hotel under his real name. Bring the fight to him.

If the Circle was truly intent on rounding up former members to bring them back into the fold, it wasn’t the kind of invitation you could turn down without expecting a fight. But the FBI was determined to bring in as many members as possible, and he would be effective bait. He could draw them out and possibly get them closer to the core of the organization. All it would take was for them to capture the right member. Someone who would crack under pressure and give them useful info.

He walked back through the house and out the front door, setting the alarm behind him. Tank had set up a surveillance van and parked it across the street and down a few houses. He’d need to get either Tank or Matt to relocate to the house before he could leave. As he got closer, the back door opened. Matt peered out from the doorway.

“You needed to see us?”

Eli hopped up in the van and pulled the door shut behind him. “I think I should just leave. You two can stay here with the girls. This has gone on long enough. I’m kind of ready to get off the ride.”

Matt whistled. “Are you sure?”

“I’m tired of always waiting for something to happen. Maybe it’s time to just let the other shoe drop. Get it over with. If they’re going to come for me, I probably have a better chance when I’m ready and waiting for it.”

Eli was just about ready to go back in the house when Matt suddenly hit a key and brought up one of the images from the video screen.

“There’s someone approaching the house from the right side,” he muttered.

Tank leaned over his shoulder and squinted at the image of the small figure creeping along the side of the house. He climbed over Matt and then opened the back doors of the van. “I’ve got it.”

Eli and Matt watched on the monitors as he crossed the street and then disappeared behind the house. A few minutes later, he reappeared dragging a small figure with him. From the size of the guy, it was only a teenager.

“He’s got him.” Matt slapped his knee triumphantly.

The back doors of the van swung open again. A burst of cold air flowed into the van as Tank climbed in.

“Look who I found sneaking around the back.” Tank yanked the small figure forward and when she pushed her hair back from her face, Eli instantly recognized her.

“Sasha? What the hell are you doing here?” He moved aside to make room for her and Tank. The surveillance van was only designed to fit two or three people at a time, so it was a tight fit. It wasn’t intended to be a party bus.

“More importantly, how did you know how to find Kay?” Tank slammed the doors of the van behind them and pushed Sasha down onto a seat.

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