"You have to ask that?" He said thickly.

Feeling daring, I stepped up to him and taking his hands I placed them on my bare hips overtop the bikini bottom strings and stretched up till I was almost kissing him.

"Just remember that I'm a one man kind of woman."

Watching his eyes closely, I saw his irises pulse larger as I said, "Your woman." And then I kissed him.

Drawing back, I waited to see what he would say, as his eyes drifted over me. His eyes drifted back to mine and he nodded affirmatively, as if words were lost to him at the moment.

I liked that and I had to admit that I had never felt so positively about my body as I did in this moment. Add self confidence to the gifts that this man had given back to me.

As the yacht pulled up along the dock I started out alongside Flint my hip rubbing into him in a sensual manner. His arm came out around my back to rest possessively on my right hip. Just like the picture the homeless man had drawn. Call it fate or something else, but it was really happening.

What the picture hadn't shown though was the 9mm that I held clutched in my hand under the back of Flint's shirt. Three men waited for us at the end of the small wharf, while two others were fanned out on adjoining wharfs' just like Flint had said.

The men truly did look rough and their eyes were all over me. I did my best to keep my smile in place, but it was like taking a bath in sewage water the way they looked at me.

I could feel tension radiating out of Flint's back. A quick glance to either side showed both men, caught up in their fascination of me, they weren't even holding their semi automatic rifles with both hands.

We came to a stop and the one I took for Benito started talking to Flint as his eyes were still firmly focused on me.

"My friend I owe you a hundred thousand ransoms for bringing this succulent delicacy…"

Okay, I'd heard enough. I brought the 9mm out and put one in the guy to the left, pivoted on my foot and put one in the guy to the right. I swung back around to behold Benito and his two counter parts standing in slack jawed shock.

Feeling especially capricious considering that these men with the first words out of their mouth had been plotting their desire of raping me for their own mutual enjoyment, I put a shell in each of their right knees. They fell to the ground howling and clutching at their knees, all thoughts of lustful conquest fading from their pain ridden thoughts.

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