I looked around and saw the shower stall for myself and in complete embarrassment I started to cry.

"I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!" I mumbled out over and over through my tears keeping my head ducked down against his chest.

"Whoa! Whoa! Time out!"

He pulled my chin up to stare into my face with concerned eyes, "What are you apologizing for, honey?"

"I'm always crying around you! I almost never cried in my life before you came along and now I'm just a bucket of tears all the time! You must think I'm the weakest, most emotional woman you've ever met!"

I tried to duck my head back down again, but he wouldn't let me. "Lisa, you are perhaps the bravest and most courageous woman I have ever met!"

"Yeah right!"

"I'm serious! How many women cursed with the hellish upraising that you were stuck with could make such a success out of themselves. With nothing to your name and no support you made yourself into one NY's finest detectives. And you haven't let the journey up from the bottom corrupt you either. You're an honorable, decent and courageous young woman. And, as far as crying goes, tears don't make you weak. Maybe the reason why you haven't cried much before in your life is because you haven't felt safe enough to let go. Your safe with me and I think you know it. Do I look like I mind you blubbering all over me? Heck no! It just gives me another excuse to hold your awesome body against me."

I couldn't help the little spurt of laughter that erupted. He cocked his head to the side, "You laugh, but it's darn hard to let go of you girl!"

Humor faded from me and was replaced with seriousness, "When this is all over, what's going to happen with you and me?"

His gaze turned serious too, "Have you ever been fishing?"

My eyebrows quirked up, "What kind of question is that?"

"I'm serious! Have you ever been fishing?"

"Yes." I said, not knowing where this was leading.

"Did you keep the fish?"

I'd only been fishing once with a group of college friends. My brow wrinkled at the memory, "No, they made me throw it back into the pond. I really wanted to eat that fish too!"

"I feel the same way you do about fishing. You and I are kind of like that. I found you, I caught you and I'm never letting you go!"

"You really mean that?" I whispered breathlessly.

"I do. Now finish your shower sexy little fish, while I get us away from this city, before our continued health and happiness are threatened any further."

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