"You okay?"

I nodded, "I have so much to learn. I don't know how to overcome the fear of all that I suddenly don't know."

His hand reclaimed mine, but he didn't say anything. I looked up at him curiously, "Don't you have a comeback for that?"

He shook his head, "I don't have the answers to everything, but through reading the good book and through prayer to help you come to all the correct answers you'll get from reading it, I know that you'll find all your questions answered plus some."

He leaned forward and pulled a Bible free from the pew in front of us and laid it in my lap.

"It's as simple as that?" I asked staring down at the Bible.

"As simple as that." He affirmed.

They took the offering at the end and I wasn't surprised to see Flint pull a folded up check out and drop it in. Maybe I was being a bit snoopy as I craned my head a little to see the amount on the check, but I was curious. I did a double take.

The check was in the six figures! I turned to Flint stunned. He noticed and said softly, "It's not polite to snoop."

Two could play that game. "I'm your wife!"

"Touché'", after a moment he leaned over and whispered into my ear, "I got a little behind on my tithing, that's all."

He expected me to believe that! We left and I thought about it. If he was a devoted enough person to stop and give so much money to a worthy cause why then did I assume he was lying to me? As far as I knew he hadn't lied to me ever. Why did I doubt him?

We stopped at a quaint little restaurant and I more or less played with my food, as I debated within myself.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

I looked up at him, "Were you really telling me the truth about that check? You really tithed $172,000?"

He nodded, "It's been a couple of months since I've had a chance to catch a sermon, because of how busy I've been. I have charities and causes that I give to as well, but all my tithe goes to the church."

I stared down at the table in frustration. "I don't understand it. You're a wealthy man and you're going after the treasure just like the rest of them. My father has hundreds of millions of dollars, perhaps even billions and he's after it like you are. Why do you need the treasure? Why?" I asked.

"I don't." He answered simply.

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