I just laid there. He was right, of course. I'd fought the same battle with myself over a million times it seemed. At least now I didn't have to fight it alone anymore.

I turned my head and kissed his neck and breathed out, "I love you!" against his neck too softly for him to hear. I slid down until I lay with my head on his thigh again. I played with the golden cross on my necklace.

"Did your mother give that to you? It's very unique. I've seen several others just like it in the past." He asked.

My voice quivered slightly, "I took it off her body before they dumped her in the ocean for the sharks to feed off of."

The toned muscles of his thigh twitched beneath my face and I glanced up and saw deep fury written across his face even though the gentle touch of his hand on my back hadn't changed.

He was mad clear through. It was nice having someone like him mad on behalf of me. At some point I fell asleep only to wake to him sitting on the corner of the bed fully dressed, as the sun's early rays were just beginning to pour through the windows.

"Come on sleepy head, the open road is calling our name."

I sat up and looked around. "Where are my clothes?" "Already packed. I left some out for you over there. We'll get breakfast on the way."

He went to the door and said over his shoulder, "See you in ten."

I hopped out of bed. Ten minutes! That wasn't enough time to get properly ready!

I walked down the stairs fifteen minutes later, my hair still wet. He glanced at his watch, "Not bad!" I rolled my eyes.

Outside, I was in for another shock. My car was pulled up at the curb. Was there nothing he didn't know about? He beat me to it and swung the passenger side door open and I stopped arching an eyebrow expressively.

His smile was boyishly charming. "I thought perhaps I could drive for you mademoiselle?"

"Be honest, you just want to drive my car don't you?"

"You're right, of course, may I?"

I sighed expressively and got into the passenger side. He slid into the driver's seat with a look of eagerness. He slid a pair of dark sunglasses on and, only half jokingly, I asked, "Promise me something."

He turned to me, "Name it."

"Promise me your last name isn't Bond or Bourne or something like that."

He looked over the top of his dark glasses at me. "You have to admit I'm a little bigger than Bourne and as for Bond, unlike him, I have only one woman that I plan on seducing."

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