The bullets hadn't really penetrated; they'd just burned a few skin layers off and bled a little. They'd burn in the shower, but they needed to be cleaned. I gathered up the clothes and the boots and standing behind the door I dropped them all outside into the other room.

I heard him coming to pick them up. My head rested on the door. How was I going to tell him? Unbelievably I felt my lips curl into a smile. This was so unlike me!



I bit my lip trying not to let the humor I felt come out in my tone. "You said I'm several inches taller than your coworker and I bet I'm a little wider in the torso and just bigger in general all around."

There was silence on the other side of the door. "Her bras and underwear probably aren't going to fit, even though we may look the same cup size." Not waiting for the continued silence I continued, "Do you have a pen and paper?"

I heard the clothes fall and then him scrambling around the room.

He came back; "Go ahead." Came the husky response.

I told him my sizes and that of shirt and pant sizes as well. "Okay I got it."



How did I explain the hellish atrocities of female clothes shopping to him? "Just because you buy clothes that match the sizes that I've given you doesn't mean they'll fit me."

"What?" Came his reasonably doubtful reply.

"Different manufactures size women's clothes differently than the size they are supposed to be."

"Well that's stupid!"

I couldn't deny him the logic of that statement. I told him what store to go to and the brand names.

"This is going to take a little while." He said hesitantly.

"That's okay." I heard him leaving, "I appreciate this a lot Flint!"

I couldn't make out his reply. I thought of him bumbling around the women's department at my favorite store and a gurgle of laughter escaped from me. The picture of him, all big and masculine, sorting through lingerie in search of my size was priceless.

I could never have imagined being as intimate with a man as to feel comfortable with him picking out my clothes for me. I had thought that was gone from ever being a possibility in my life, but it wasn't and I was enjoying every moment of it.

"Oh, I hope he's not color blind!", I said to myself with a groan, as I stepped into the hot shower.

After a long shower I took a bath, completely spoiling myself. I made full use of the bath oils and general plethora of female product gunk, as he had put it and came walking out of the bathroom cinched up in the fluffy bath robe at the same time, as he came walking through the door with bags in each hand. A lot of bags! Copyright 2016 - 2024