I shook it responding, "Lisa".

He hadn't stopped from his frank admiration of me yet, "Hey, could you keep your eyes on the road a little more please!" I said, not liking his in depth study of my body or the alarmingly close course of the truck with the side of the street.

"What?" He asked, staring at me blankly. He glanced out the front window and steered the truck back on track moments before we would have collided with a dumpster, "Sorry about that!"

I heard the semiautomatic begin to talk and I glanced back to see maybe three or more vehicles pursuing us. The bed of the truck began to fill with brass casings, as Tyre emptied clip after clip into the pursuing vehicles. I heard Galloway say something sharp under his breath and I glanced ahead.

Several blocks ahead the street narrowed and a car and an SUV swung broadways cutting the street off even as gunman poured out of them to take cover and aim at us.

Galloway stuck his head out his open window and slapped the side of the truck loudly, before yelling out to Tyre, "I need a door opened up little buddy!"

Tyre glanced around and saw the blockade. He laid the rifle down and crawled to the back of the cab and started working away at something.

"Oh my …!" My voice trailed off, as I saw Tyre lift a rocket launcher out of a case and up to his shoulders, as he stood up to aim it over the top of the cab.

The ploom of the rocket trail arched out away in front of us and the car exploded in a ball of flames. Moments later with the launcher reloaded a second trail arched out and crashed into the SUV.

"Hang on honey!" Belted out Galloway and I found the seatbelt in a hurry.

"Oh God!" I said clutching at the golden cross at my throat.

We hit the burning vehicles. It really wasn't as bad, as I had thought it was going to be. The air bags didn't even deploy and I said as much.

Galloway looked over at me with a cheeky grin, "What air bags?"

I just shook my head and glanced back to see if Tyre was okay. I was in time to see the lead pursuit car blown sky high as it passed through the burning wreckage of the other two vehicles.

I watched Tyre set the launcher down. There were no more signs of pursuit after that display of firepower. We drove for a while and Galloway broke into my thoughts with a question, "Are you okay?"

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