I couldn't say that I had ever thought of something like this being capable from, of all people, the captain. Just went to show a person the value of not trusting anyone, but that wasn't right either. Some people you could trust with anything. Rafferty would never have done this to me, even if they'd had his family at gun point. Instinctively I knew with enough leverage Sal might cave in, but I didn't think he had any part in this. I had no one left that I could really trust, unless perhaps for one man. Could I really trust Flint?

I was going to have to find out, because he might be my only chance if I was to survive past today. Everything would come down to getting a hold of a phone. The remembered phone number burned bright in my head with the urgency of my need. I had to get a phone!

I'd never make it out of this section of the city alone, especially without a gun. The squad car came to a stop and the two men got out. The detective opened my door and started to haul me out of the back, but I resisted. He tugged harder and I gave up my resistance and we both stumbled backward from the car and I brushed into him.

He reared back from me and backhanded me across the face, as he drew his gun taking aim at my head.

"Nice try Lisa, but no dice! Don't give us any more trouble or you'll regret it! Take the cuffs off!"

The patrol cop took the cuffs off, as I stood still nursing my split lip with my tongue. Both men backed away toward the car.

"You're going to regret not putting a bullet in my head while you had the chance detective!"

"I don't think so." He said, before he slammed his door shut and they took off up the block of this slummy corner of the city. As soon as they were far enough away I ducked into an alleyway hoping to stay out of sight of any potential enemies and brought the detective's phone up to my ear, after I had feverishly dialed the number that Flint had given me.

"Come on! Come on!" I whispered as the phone rang and rang.

I had almost given up hope when his unmistakable voice came on the line, "Lisa?"

I didn't want to examine too closely the wave of relief I felt at the sound of his voice and words rushed out of me in a torrent.

"They set me up! The Captain's in on it and I don't know who else! I don't know who I can trust in the precinct! You said to call if I needed help and, and…"

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