"What have you stolen from me?" Iya demanded loudly.

Flint glanced over at him, "I asked nicely and you said no, so what did you expect me to do, go home without it? Thanks for the drink by the way."

Flint and the other man headed back towards the beach as Iya fumed. He had been played! Flint had been nothing more than a diversion. He'd gotten the best of him, yet again! His hand reached for the pistol that was strapped to the underside of the table.

Flint looked back, "I wouldn't do that if I were you Iya, you wouldn't want to be cancelled out of the game this early on would you?"

Iya glanced down at his chest, where the little red laser dot danced and he relaxed his grip on the pistol handle. "It would appear that you have won the night." Iya had to admit grimly, as he watched the two men walk down the slope and disappear into the surf.

The red light went away and a few minutes later he heard an outboard motor start up. He sat there filled with rage at the way he had been duped. Oh well, they may be closer, but they still didn't have what they needed to find the treasure.

Galloway let the rifle down and helped pull first Flint and then Tyre into the boat. "How did the big he-bull take it?" Galloway asked curiously.

"Not well!" Responded Flint with a broad grin, but his companion was more reserved.

Tyre was, in fact, the very essence of the word reserved, with somber running in a close second. "Flint, I found a couple more clues, but I didn't see anything as to where the actual treasure is."

Flint, patted him on the shoulder, "That's okay because I found the key that unlocks the door."

Galloway looked him up and down, "Well, where is it?"

"I don't have it with me, but I know what it looks like."

"What does it look like?" Galloway asked cautiously.

"5'11'' of perfectly proportioned symmetry, coated in a honey chocolate glaze, capped off with a pair of expressive black eyes, long black curly hair and a smile to die for." Responded Flint with a grin.

"The detective!" Exclaimed Galloway.

"One and the same."

"You think she's just going to tell you where the treasure is?"Galloway asked in open skepticism.

"I'm hoping so." Responded Flint.

"What if she doesn't? I'm not into roughing up chicks!"Galloway responded heatedly.

Flint gave him a reproachful look. "And when have you known me to be?"

"There was that Asian chick in Singapore."

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