"Long." Was all the stranger said.

Iya's mock joviality dimmed a bit, "So, why have you come Flint? I agreed not to encroach on your territory, so why have you come to mine?"

Flint idly held the glass of wine, as he relaxed back into his chair. "You have something I want."

"That simple huh?"

"That simple."

"And what if I don't give you what you seek?" Responded Iya.

"I'll find a way. You know I always complete what I start." Responded Flint, evenly as he took another sip of the wine.

Iya sat back laughing and slapped his thigh, "Oh to the gods I wish I had sons like you!" On a quieter note he added, "As it is, I wasn't entirely unlucky. I did get one good daughter."

Flint leaned forward and sat the wine glass back onto the table. "Yes, about her, I want her too."

Consumed by another fit of laughter, Iya managed to hack out, "You don't ask for much do you my friend! You want my treasure and my prized daughter! You tried to kill me and you think I'm just going to hand her over to you?"

"Oh I didn't ask you to hand her over to me, but as her father I was simply letting you know of my intentions towards her. It will be her choice whether she'll have me or not."

Iya grunted, frankly amused at the turn the game had taken. He admired and respected Flint that is what little that even he knew about him, which said a lot to the man's proficiency in keeping a low profile.

It could be very useful having such a man as a son in-law, if things worked out that way, and if he got in the way later on he could always be rubbed out.

"I have no doubt that you are often successful given your prior track record in nearly killing me, but she is beyond you my friend."

Flint remained silent so Iya interjected. "She was here today, which I'm sure you already know. She even asked about you and I would even go as far as to say that she may even like you. But, unfortunately for you, she will never be willingly available in an intimate way with anyone."

"Yeah, I noticed that, but I think she has come along farther than you think she has."

Iya shook his head, "No, I don't think so. She hides it well, but she's still a scared little girl inside."

Flint picked up his wine glass again. "Since you're being so helpful, perhaps you can fill me in a little more on what happened to her."

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