I looked away from him for a moment before looking back and he seemed a little shaken up by the hell he must be seeing in my eyes. "I'm going to see my father." I pulled a scrap of paper out of my pocket and then the pen out of Sal's shirt pocket. I wrote down my father's address and handed the paper to Sal. "If I'm not back in 48 hours send the cavalry in to get my body."

He looked from me to the paper and then back again, "You're serious aren't you?"

"Deadly serious Sal. It's why I have to go alone."

Sal shook his head, "I don't understand?"

"I know you don't and I'm sorry I can't explain better right now, but this has to be done or I wouldn't be doing it, of that I can assure you!"

"What does your father have to do with this case?" exhaled Sal in frustration.

I looked away. "It's complicated. He may have nothing to do with it or he may have everything to do with it. I have to go. Don't' tell anyone about my father."

I started walking away, but Sal interrupted, "Where on the island? The note doesn't say?"

"That's because he owns the whole island." I said over my shoulder as I headed back to my apartment.

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