"Out with it Lisa. I know you've been holding out on me."

I looked up, my face flushed with embarrassment, "He was at my apartment last night, pretty much all night." I said quickly before looking back down.

"And what happened?" He asked softly.

"He came to warn me to drop the investigation, said it would only get me killed and that he didn't want that."

"What else happened?"

I worked hard on the splintering corner of my desk. "He watched me sleep, changed the locks on my door and left breakfast in the oven for me. That was all that happened! Nothing else happened I swear!"

"That's a lot Lisa!"

My head sunk lower in mortification. As if to himself he said, "He changed the locks on your door, made you breakfast and you slept through all that? You must trust him!"

I didn't answer him directly, "I think him warning me was genuine and not just some ploy to get me out of his hair."

"Kind of odd behavior though, you have to admit Lisa. Perhaps you two are meant to be together."

I started to object, but stopped as I felt the need to look at the intimate sketch of me kissing Flint again. Were we meant to be together? My hand started to open the book back up, but Rafferty's hand slammed the cover back down, practically on top of my fingers, which is when I saw Sal approaching.

I quickly shoved the sketch book into a drawer and locked it. I'd never live it down if Sal saw those pictures. I came out of my embarrassment as I caught sight of Sals' troubled face.

He came up to us. "They found our snake guy. Dead, shot through the back of the head."

I stood up abruptly, "Where?"

"Right beside the precinct in the alley."

I thought instantly of Flint, but this didn't seem like something he would do. Or was I just protecting him?

I pushed through the crowd of officers for the second time today and ducked under the yellow tape. I felt bile rise up in my throat, as I looked down upon the man and the snake emblem that stared up at me.

"You all right Lisa?" Lauren asked and I quickly let a mask fall over my face and nodded.

"Definitely our man. He still has our victim's belt." Lauren said, as she pulled out a leather belt from a pocket.

"The gun shot is clean. Looks like it was a professional hit. Our shooter knew what he was doing and from the angle of entry I'd say our shooter was on the upper tier of that parking garage down the street."

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