I stood there looking at the baking dish in my hand in a state of profound shock. Why? He'd come to warn me, and I think he was entirely on the level when he had done that, but why all of this? The answer was there even though I didn't want to acknowledge it. He must like me was the simplest answer. I wasn't sure I was ready for that kind of relationship, if I'd ever be ready, and beyond that he was a suspect in a murder investigation. Not exactly boyfriend material. Even if he wasn't the murderer, he was waist deep in something highly illegal. And yet why, even after considering all the facts against the man, had I known yesterday when I saw the sketch that this man was going to profoundly change my life.

I glanced at the clock. It was going on twelve. I had to get out of here! I sat down and ate, then got ready for the day in a hurry.

As I stepped up to the door I saw that cooking breakfast wasn't the only thing he had done. He had switched out my door lock and replaced the deadbolt. A key for each sat on the chair by the door, which meant that he had the duplicate keys. Somehow that didn't bother me as much as it should have.

I picked the keys up and stepped outside and locked the door. I let my head fall forward against the door. I had burned a sample of his writing and he had no doubt left finger prints all over my apartment, but was I calling anyone to report it, no.

How would I explain why he'd spent the night in my room anyway? It was too embarrassing to even contemplate. He had been wrong. I was a terrible cop, at least where he was concerned.

Old Mrs. Thachet came out of her apartment two doors down and when she saw me her face lit up and she gave me two thumbs up. My face completely flushed, she must have seen him! I tried to hurry past, but she reached out and snagged my arm. What must she be thinking?

"So nice to see you settling down dear, but remember," she tapped her wedding ring. "This first and then…..." She patted my stomach with a knowing nod, as her voice trailed off.

My face felt like it was about to become molten lava. I managed to smile wanly and I pulled my arm free, as I stepped away sideways toward the stairs.

Oh this was bad! Mrs. Thachet was the worst gossip in the whole building bless her heart. It would be common knowledge by tonight that I had a man. I groaned inwardly.

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