There was a short moment of silence. "If I was here to kill you, you would already be dead. As to who I am, you may call me Flint. As to why I'm here, it would be best put that I've come to warn you."

He stood up and my grip tightened on the trigger.

"That gun isn't loaded." He said softly.

He took a step toward me and I pulled the trigger.

Click! Click! Click!

He'd unloaded my gun and slipped it back under my pillow while I slept!

A little cry of despair escaped me. I turned and felt under my side of the mattress for the sawed off shotgun I kept there.

It was gone!

I turned to the night table for my phone but it was gone too! I glanced at the slowly approaching man and saw him hold up my phone before he slipped it back into a coat pocket. There was nothing else to do, I had to take him out if I was to survive.

I threw the gun at him and then launched myself toward him. Sickenly I saw him snatch the gun out of the air and idly toss it to the side. I launched at him feet first in a double legged kick, but he caught my feet and stole my momentum.

My head and upper back should've crashed into the floor hard, with my feet being held captive, but I felt him grab my shoulder and pull my torso upwards, as he let my feet drop and then he spun me around moments before we both crashed into the floor, but he didn't let his weight fall on me like he could have.

Moments before impact with the floor I felt his hand slide in front of my face, which helped absorb the force of the connection of my head with the floor.

As I gathered in a quick breath, I realized in anguish that it was already all over before I could even move. My legs were twisted one way and my arms another so that I literally couldn't move at all. He could dislocate my shoulders, pop my hip out, break my back, crush my windpipe; he could do anything he wanted to me!

There was no overcoming either the strength or skill that he held me with and I couldn't help the little wail of despair that escaped through my parted lips.

I was afraid.

I hadn't been this powerless or helpless over my own fate since I had been a little girl and had been forced to watch my fathers' brother rape and kill my own mother and then rape me. I had never wanted this to happen again! I had worked so hard to learn how to defend myself, but it was all useless to me now! Copyright 2016 - 2024