"What are you going to do with the house?"

I glanced back over at him, "House?" I repeated blankly.

"Yeah, your father's mansion on the island. All of your relatives have been evicted per your father's instructions and the house, if that's what you can call it, is sitting vacant."

So many atrocities had been carried out in that house. They were too numerous to count really. "I'd like to plant a small nuclear device square in the middle of that heap and blow the whole bloody island up." I said meaningfully as I stared out into the distance.

"That could be arranged." I laughed and glanced over at James and abruptly stopped.

He was serious. He couldn't be! He had to be pulling my leg. He seemed to know what I was thinking.

"A lady of your means could buy about anything she pleased too."

I swallowed, "Wouldn't the effects from the blast hurt people on the mainland?" I asked my voice a little squeaky.

He smiled broadly and I knew I'd been had. "Bless you for caring about the masses; I knew you had a good heart in you."

I punched him in the shoulder.

"How about a couple of Hellfire missiles offering localized damage only?"

"Sure!" I replied jokingly.

He grabbed the phone off the table beside him and called someone he had on speed dial. My eyebrows rose, he was really carrying this gag on. Well two could play at that.

"Hey Robbie, need a favor. Never mind where I am right now, I need two hell fires delivered off the shore of North Carolina, what's that gonna cost me? Uhuh. Hang on a second."

He pressed the phone to his shoulder and in a loud whisper asked me, "It's gonna cost six million for two, if you want four missiles it'll be an additional two million."

Liking the game I held up four fingers, why not what did I have to lose?

"She'll take four Robbie. None of your concern as to who she is, when can you have it done? Uhuh. I'll text you the coordinates."

He hung up the phone and recaptured his tablet from me. I just smirked at him, what was he up to, besides getting in over his head? He handed the tablet back to me.

The screen was full of the image of the big white house poised on the hill of the island.

"So when was this taken?" I asked skeptically.

"It wasn't, that's real time satellite telemetry you're looking at."

"Sure." I said with a smirk. "What's the clock up in the corner for?"


A little frisson of alarm coursed through me, "Estimated arrival of what?"

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