Nervously I turned toward the corner of the room and the shelves that were there. I walked closer and saw her lying there on the shelf, faithful to her master even long after her passing.

"Hello Za'esha. I'm really hoping that you remember me. Remember those big fat mice I used to feed you?"

The large female black Mamba's head rose up regally, as she regarded me. I let her study me for a moment, with her beady eyes and flickering tongue, before I reached out my hand to her.

The stone slid closed behind me as I stepped out into the hall. I made my way through the dimness to the brightness of the skylight alcove. The alcove was circular, with a fountain in the middle of it that still flowed with water.

I glanced at the stone floor and saw drops of blood here and there. Marshawn and Flint had passed by here not too long ago. Flint was still bleeding. My heart squeezed and I ached to rush after them, but I couldn't, not yet. I heard the scrape of a shoe on stone and I turned to see my father and Rocco step into the light given off by the skylight high above.

My father stumbled forward, as he clutched at his chest. His words were slurred, but still discernible. "You destroyed the treasure! You are a disgrace!"

Turning to Rocco he screamed, "Kill her!"

Rocco smiled evilly and walked across the space toward me. I didn't resist as his hands closed around my throat.

"Any last words sister?"

I smiled into his eyes, "I remember once hearing you complain about your tattoo itching. You should feel what a real one feels like."

His eyes gazed at me puzzled by my words and then I watched them go wide with terror as Za'esha's head came out from under my hair. His hands let go of my throat, but it was too late. Za'esha sprang forward, sinking her fangs deep into Rocco's neck. Choking, his hands clutched at his throat, as he stumbled backward, his eyes still fixed on the serpent's head that was watching him die.

"Kind of ironic for you Rocco, to be bitten by your own self stylized art."

Rocco tumbled to the floor and lay twitching and gasping for a moment and then he was still. My eyes rose to my father's horrified gaze. I lifted my arm out toward him and Za'esha's head disappeared back inside the linen wrap I wore only to moments later coast down my arm. She wrapped around my outstretched arm for support, as she rose impressively up into the air to stare my father directly in the eye. Copyright 2016 - 2024