"Shut up! Shut up I say!" Screamed Heinrich, as he pointed the gun at me again, as I sat on my throne.

"Tisk, tisk, on the verge of your greatest achievement and your afraid to go any further. Are you out of your league Heinrich? Doesn't sound very superior of you now does it?"

"Enough!" Heinrich said truly incensed now. "Watch her while I verify the treasure!" He said, as he stormed past me, toward the open doorway.

He stepped into the darkened doorway and a stone in the floor depressed, with an audible click, beneath his foot and he stopped.

"Should have had me go on before you Heinrich, bum move on your part this time."

"What?" He asked sickly, only moments before thousands upon thousands of gallons of water pounded out of the open doorway and from the holes in the ceiling all along the length of the throne room.

I sat in the throne, as the water sheeted out around it and gushed down the steps carrying away Heinrich's henchmen. A stone slab door slammed downward into the entrance of the treasure room, that we had come through earlier.

The treasure room was also flooding with water, beyond the stone slab. I saw nothing of Heinrich or my father, in the turbulent pool that was rapidly rising before me. Those still able to make their way ran down the open doorways on the left that water was draining out through.

Out of the corner of my eye I caught sight of two men slogging through the water pouring out of the single doorway on the right. It was my father and Rocco. They were going to get away! I couldn't allow that.

I continued to sit, as the water rose to the top of the steps and then it stopped. I turned the scepter in its slot and the floor reopened and drained the water, with its protesting human debris into the great void below. I was left alone in the dripping wet throne room.

There was a crumbling sound and a shuddering of the surrounding walls, as the treasure room, beyond the stone slab collapsed and fell into the void below, that it had been precariously supported over for centuries. All that remained was this throne room and the rooms that lay behind the throne. Not much to be a queen over.

I walked back down the golden stairs and placed my crown and scepter, from where I had taken them off the two pedestals. My rule as queen was over, because I had found something better in life than the ancient secrets of this place.

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