Flint nodded, as he slung his pack over his left shoulder and then the strap of an assault rifle over the other. In his left hand he carried a black briefcase, which I assumed was some sort of explosive.

"Will that be enough, do you think?"I asked, eyeing the small case doubtfully.

He chuckled, "Yea, I think it will do the job. I hope so anyway. You never can tell with Soviet era parts. The Russians were known to cut some corners in their day."

My face turned white and I stammered slightly as I asked, "What kind of bomb is it?"

He shook his head no, "Its best that you don't know. Trust me. It isn't exactly street legal, if you know what I mean."

I turned away and started walking through the bush habitat. I reached up and wiped my forehead that was suddenly damp with sweat. Just who was I getting involved with?

Flint caught up with me, a look of concern written across his features, "I know honey! I have a lot of explaining to do and I promise that I will, when I get the chance!"

I glanced at him, "You promise?"

He nodded his head vigorously.

"That thing isn't nuclear is it? Because I don't want any of my people hurt or sickened by it!"

"No, no! It's not nuclear, but it'll make a heck of a bang. It's the kind of bomb that only a developed nation would be able to produce."

I glanced at him, "So, you're hoping that if there's an investigation as to what happened, the finger will point to a major world power being behind the destruction of the treasure and not you?"

"That's the plan."

"I just hope you don't blow us up with the treasure." I said meaningfully.

"Yea I hope not too! Kind of looking forward to the rest of life here on out."

Something in his tone sparked my interest. "You weren't looking forward to the rest of your life before?"

He met my gaze, "Before you, I wasn't particularly excited about anything."

My hand reached out and he took it. We walked like that for a ways.

"Looks clear." Flint said under his breath.

It was true; I couldn't see any sign of activity around the pools. I stepped out from hiding and approached the central pool. Flint followed, looking around as if he didn't understand something.

He voiced his question, "I don't understand this. You've got five geocentrically placed pools of water, a lot of water in the middle of nowhere to be sure. The pools have an obvious influence of human construction, but I've never heard mention of this place.

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