I felt my face flush slightly at his offer and I quickly said, "No, no, I have to be going. Perhaps some other time, but I do appreciate the offer. Now, we are going to keep you in custody for a little while. It's for your own protection. This case has gotten a lot bigger and I'm not quite sure what or who is involved yet and as you are our only witness you could be in a lot of danger."

He held up a hand. "Can I get some food and keep this sketch pad?"


I turned to Sal, "On it boss."

He turned to go, but I reached out and grasped him by the forearm quickly, "I'm sorry for what I said earlier."

He shrugged and a smile flashed out at me, "I've got thick skin don't worry about it. I'll get that research for ya and see if anything comes up on this guy in any of the data bases."

"Thanks." I said as I continued on to the car with Rafferty.

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