"That's all very interesting. Can't say I've ever heard it all put together like that before, but what does that have to do with our woman here being the same and yet different from my people?" I asked.

"Well it's very simple if you think about what we know from the Bible. At first everyone came from Adam and Eve, but after the flood humanities genes were narrowed back down to one families genes in particular, Noah's. Now, we know that after the flood, up until the time of the Babel dispersion that there was a common language and a unity among the descendents of Noah. People had grouped together in their unification of their desire to be like God. There would have been little overtly noticeable diversity at all among the descendents of a single family, which had stayed together since the end of the flood. Now this is where our girl here is the same and yet different from your people today. She could have come from the very same genetic group that you did only she got here to North America much earlier than the rest of your people. I'd say that is the most likely scenario to explain her."

I took the skull from Ted's hands and studied it thoughtfully. "So you think she got here relatively earlier on before her features could differentiate the way they later did with my people into a primarily Mongoloid type ethnic origin?"

Ted nodded, "She likely followed the same migration route, as fellow family members did much later than her. So she likely has the same parentage blood as your people group did, but she hadn't diverged, feature wise, from the common form into your people's more unique features."

"Despite that likely being the case Ted you know what the world will say. They'll say that a different race of people were here before Native Americans were."

Ted nodded.

He took the skull back from me and stared at it, as if he could see back into the distant past. "Can you imagine the challenges that these early settlers, and for that matter the later settlers had to face on their journey here and then to survive once they were here? The dinosaurs were probably more congregated to the south, but just the prehistoric monsters alone would have been enough to contend with. Packs of dire wolves numbering above twenty or more, American lions that were bigger than full-grown Siberian tigers, and bears, such as the short faced bear that were twice the size of an adult grizzly and could run as fast as a horse. Count me out Caleb! I'm glad I didn't live during that time, but I have to admit it must've been something to see!"

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