Anna saved me from having to witness the final death throes of my two remaining pieces by announcing that it was breakfast and the time for playing was over. Kevin didn't look pleased. The kid was competitive as all get out. In many ways I admired his killer instinct and thirst for victory.

Breakfast as usual was good. Yet one more blessing to add to all the others I was experiencing. Kevin disappeared off to somewhere, which left Anna and I alone at the table.

She gave me a funny look and asked, "What's that look for?"

I just shook my head smiling, as I finished fleshing out the newest fantasy I'd just come up with in my head that I wanted to share with her later. Alarms began to shriek as concealed warning lights began to flash throughout the house.

I upturned the table and grabbed Anna, who was sitting deathly still in sudden shock at the sound of unexpected alarms and lights all around us going off. I dragged her to the kitchen and pushed her down on the inside of the kitchen's surround counters.

"Stay!" I yelled above the noise of the alarms.

"Kevin!" She screamed back at me frantically.

"I know!" I answered, as I took off at a run for the bedrooms.

The lights were now flashing red. I ran into his bedroom only he wasn't there! He wasn't in mine either or the spare bedroom. I ran into the bathroom but nothing! Where was he?

I started to run back towards the kitchen and living area, which is when the bullets began to strike the house as the heavy caliber rounds chewed their way through it.

Interlacing cannon fire of thousands upon thousands of shells chased me in hot pursuit down the hall back to the kitchen, as the armor piercing rounds punched through the thickly insulated walls of the house as if they were made of butter. I heard Anna screaming and saw her with her hands over her ears as the house all around us was disintegrating as it was torn apart by hot lead.

I ran the fastest sprint of my life and even then I don't know how I made it back to the shelter of the kitchen counters. I dove the last few feet as the shells chasing me slammed into the thick steel armor plating that the kitchen cabinets and counters were inlaid with. Crawling I reached Anna. She was crying hysterically and saying something, but little could be heard over the whining destruction of the bullets destroying the house.

Glancing around corners of the splintered cabinets I made out at least six to seven black helicopters surrounding the house, as they poured round after round into it. They had to be using some kind of infrared heat seeking targeting system to have us so pinned down. Kevin was likely dead, only a sudden glance back into the living room proved otherwise. Copyright 2016 - 2025