"Measles, mumps and rubella! Three vaccinations all grouped into one shot. They like to group shots together not because it's healthy for the kids, but because it's more convenient for the doctor only to have to give one shot. If you get the measles you get a rash and a fever for a few days. If you get mumps your face swells and you have a fever for a few days. If you get rubella you get a rash and have a fever for a few days. Not one of them is life-threatening and once you've had one your immune to it for the rest of your life and benefit from a stronger overall immune system. The reason why we give almost pointless vaccinations? Because in America we don't want our children to even suffer a momentary fever even if it's something that will prove beneficial to them in the long term! No! We're civilized, so we vaccinate the hell out of our kids to protect them from everything!"

She stopped talking, her face alive with raw emotion.

"What happened when they gave Kevin the MMR shot?" I asked softly prompting.

She hugged herself with her arms and in a softer tone said, "Within seconds he started to swell up and then he stopped breathing. My baby stopped breathing! They started CPR and broke several of his ribs, while I watched my little boy's body tear itself apart. They got him stabilized in the ER only to find some of his organs were shutting down. They put Kevin in a medically induced coma for three weeks! I was in hell! For three weeks I sat beside my little boy unable to hold him and feel his little arms squeeze me as he showered my face with I love you kisses. He just lay there so pale, like he was already gone from me. Then he woke up. There were no mommy mommies; no free smiles or happily expressed giggles. Nothing, but a vacant look. Everything else was gone! Just gone overnight! How had this happened? I'd done everything I'd been instructed to do as both a nurse and a mother by the doctor. I woke up to the reality then of what is really going on behind the scenes. I stopped acting like societies' definition of a good mother and started doing my own research. I trusted no one on the sheer value of their credentials, but instead I verified everything through my own research. What I found was astonishing! These modern miracle vaccines are killing and injuring untold millions every year! Do you know what they're made up of? The base ingredients in almost all vaccinations contain elements of animal blood, puss, human embryonic tissue from aborted babies and the list goes on and on. In short nothing that you would ever want in your body! If a nurse drops a vial of the flu vaccine and it shatters, say in a school gym, the entire building, by written protocol, is to be evacuated and quarantined until a chemical hazmat crew has cleaned the spill up and deemed it safe to reenter the building. This precaution isn't taken because of the supposedly dead flu virus compounds in the vaccine, but instead because of the hazardous chemicals contained in the actual serum that the virus is delivered with. We're injecting our babies with poisons that they send hazmat crews to clean up in full gear! Vaccinations have always been touted as miracle drugs. The two chief case studies for this claim are the cure for polio and smallpox vaccinations. Did you know that polio was man-made! The polio vaccine was a response to the disease that had been created by accident, but the vaccine was untested. After the turn-of-the-century some American authorities not wanting to test the vaccine on the American public without trials infected lower class Germans in Germany with polio and administered the vaccine there as a mass clinical trial. The effects were disastrous. The vaccine left many infertile, led to birth defects and auto-immune system disorders. In the 1960's 60 minutes did a piece with the heads of one of the vaccination companies that was responsible for the clinical trials in Germany that was never aired on live TV, which showed the executives laughing about how we would never have to worry about Germans winning in the Olympics again, because of the effects of this vaccine on their population genetics. The cases of polio today in America stem from the vaccine and not the actual disease and this vaccination is supposedly supposed to be the poster child of the miracle vaccination and why everyone should take them! The tetanus shot! Everyone is told if they get a cut or an abrasion from a rusty piece of metal they have to get the tetanus shot to avoid getting tetanus ASAP. Getting tetanus from rusty metal is a myth. You can only get tetanus from an object that has been in contact with the feces of farm animals: cows, pigs, and horses. That's it! But the tetanus shot they give you is proven to cause infertility in women, because it blocks the hormone that the female's body has to release in order to sustain implantation of the embryo on the lining of the womb! Meningococcal meningitis is a deadly disease and because of its prevalence on college campuses some dorms mandate that you have to have the vaccine for it. If anyone ever actually read the disclaimers for a vaccination they would see that it can cause death! That vaccine in particular does kill all the time. A large percentage of those that take it suffer from a chronically poor immune system for the rest of their lives. Lives that have been shortened by the effects of the vaccine meant to extend them. The best part of it is that in no conclusive clinical trial has the vaccine ever proven that it provided any tangible benefit to not contacting meningitis. Parents who choose not to vaccinate are the subjects of prejudice by both the community and the government. Some states won't let children attend school, if they haven't been vaccinated. It isn't just a problem in the industrial world. Vaccination is a worldwide threat! Supposedly charitable organizations involved in ending childhood hunger in third world nations send in medical aid workers who, among other things, give vaccinations to the children under the guise of preventing disease. The vaccinations are manipulated to render the girls infertile and the boys sterile. Entire villages in Africa and the Middle East are full of children that will never have any children of their own! It's a silent genocide! Just last year in Pakistan tribesmen went on a rampage killing every humanitarian aid worker they could find, when they found out that their children's basic human right to reproduce had been stolen from them. Rendering people infertile is taking place in industrialized nations to with the use of vaccinations, but they are more selective in how they do it and they just don't use vaccinations. The preservatives in our food and the chemicals in our houses and clothes also contribute to the effort of somebody out there who wants population control globally. Think of how many couples struggle to conceive and spend thousands in the attempt to do it by artificial means. No such problem exists in the third world where vaccinations are still rare. In my opinion vaccinations have become nothing more than a method of global population control that makes money to. They have little if any benefit to humanity! You think I'm crazy? Take for instance the common flu vaccine and the pressure there is on everyone to take it. You can't work in a hospital without one. They even give them out for free or at little charge to ensure you take it. It has been proven in multiple private testing's that you stand a better chance of never getting the flu or getting over it easier if you've never had a vaccination for it as opposed to getting the flu shot. You want to hear a real conspiracy theory? The flu vaccine makes you more susceptible to contacting the flu according to private testing so the government has a major ad campaign that's ever ongoing it seems, which advises the elderly that the regular flu vaccine won't work the best for them and that they would be better off getting a special flu shot that is twice the potency of the regular shot! It's no secret about what's going on if you but look for it. Everything is readily available to anyone who will simply do their own research as I have done! Somebody or something is actively trying to kill us all worldwide!"

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