Her hands slid onto my shoulders as she kissed me again. Both of her hands rose to frame my face. It was a long kiss and she started to pull away and I followed her for a moment.

She laughed softly "I do believe you're getting the hang of this Mr. Tyre." She said as she idly ran one finger over my lips with her other hand still holding the side of my face.

Her gaze turned smoky with passion, as she glanced up from my lips she was stroking with a finger to my eyes, "If you desire something more than this Mr. Tyre."

She took her fingers from my lips and wiggled her empty ring finger. "Two rings and a promise of forever and I'm all yours darling anyway you want me."

She brought her lips back to mine and this time she didn't stop the kiss. She was so intoxicating! Why would anyone spend all their fortune on drugs and amusements, when two rings and a promise could give an endless supply of highs whenever needed. I really started to wish I had two rings in my pocket and a preacher in the closet.

Kissing and feeling her was the foundation of a growing addiction. I'd simply never have enough of her! After some time we both pulled back breathing heavily. She rested her forehead on my shoulder.

"Is it always like this?" I huffed out.

She turned her face to me her eyes alive and full of appreciative passion for me, "It's never been like this! What have you done to me Mr. Tyre?"

What had I done? I didn't feel like the same person as I was before we had begun this make out session and she was asking me what I had done. She straightened away from me slightly and I saw a sensual gleam spark in her eyes. I felt my breathing pick up in anticipation of what this amazing woman would do next.

Her tone was rich as she idly asked, "So you seemed pretty into this Mr. Tyre? I had you pegged as a bit of a germaphobe."

She was right there, when it came to people and animals I was very germ conscious, but not so with her apparently. Right now I couldn't have cared less what germs she harbored. She could have the bubonic plague and I'd still be kissing her and I told her as much.

She chuckled, but then her voice deepened seductively as she asked, "I think you're ready for this, but if you're not let me know."

"What?" I stumbled out with.

She brought her face back to mine to speak directly against my lips. "There are many ways to kiss Mr. Tyre. The French do it something like this." She breathed out, as she opened her mouth on mine.

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