"Saving a child's life and restoring a family back together is all the thanks I need. You don't know many of the people your husband works alongside of for the greater good, but we know you and your now part of us. We never leave our own behind!"

"Thank you!" Anna whispered into the phone again anyway.

"I look forward to meeting you tomorrow Anna. Try to get some rest and lunch should be there shortly. I'll see you tomorrow."

Anna gave me back the phone just as there was a knock on the door. We both got up and I went to the door. Sure enough it was room service. I let the attendant in and he wheeled in the cart heaped high with far more food on it then was needed for two people, who were sick to their stomach with fear.

I tipped the waiter and he was quickly gone. I lifted a lid to view under it as Anna came up to stand with her face pressed against my chest and I wrapped a comforting arm around her as I looked under the other lids.

"Hungry?" I asked.

She mumbled something and I pulled her head back to see a strange expression on her face. It was kind of a self-deprecating look that I didn't like. I stroked her cheek with a thumb and instinctively she seemed to know what it was I wanted to know.

Her eyes were troubled as they met mine, "Does it sound really bad of me if I told you that all I want right now is for you to make love to me over and over again? I know it's terrible my……"

I hushed her with my fingers over her mouth. "It's not terrible at all! You experience love through touch and you need comfort so it's only natural that you would crave what makes you feel loved."

I slipped her up into my arms and started towards the bed as she lay her head down against my shoulder.

"What makes you feel loved Tyre?"

"Words." I responded.

Her head came up and she looked at me with surprised curiosity, "Words?" She asked with evident surprise.

I nodded, "Words of affirmation. You have the power to slay me or build me up with the words you speak to me."

"How else can you be loved?"

"Well there's those two and then there's gift giving, quality time and one other that I can't think of right now. You have aspects of quality time in your makeup of how you feel loved as well. It's normal for people to have different combinations of love languages."

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