It was 8:30 and I was ready to go, but Zora hadn't materialized from her part of the suite yet.

My eyes closed as I leaned up against the wall by the door and remembered our dinner together. To be truthful I hadn't really eaten much, but instead of being hungry for food I found myself hungry to experience more intimacy with her.

I groaned in frustration. I had four plus hours of dancing ahead of me and all I wanted to do was throw my wife on the bed and discover everything there was to know about her.

'Patience and time. Time and patience.'

I smiled, as I remembered the words of the old Russian General long since faded from the active consciousness of the world for his significance in being a part of the historic events that shaped history during the Napoleonic era.

During the time of Napoleon, Emperor of France, Russia had been a world power and a threat to Napoleon's uncontested rule over all of Europe. In direct response to that threat Napoleon had marshaled an army and invaded Russia.

He'd destroyed the Russians first attempts to stop the invasion in brutal military fashion. The Russians had enacted a new strategy against the stronger and better disciplined French army. They had retreated back into the vastness of Russia, only fighting light engagements and never committing the bulk of the remaining army left over from their earlier defeats.

It had been a plan that had called for a lot of patience on the part of the Russians, as they saw their country burned and pillaged by the French. They had even sacrificed Moscow to the French, as they let time go by.

Then the time came for patience to be at an end. The Russians with their continual retreat had lured Napoleon over a thousand miles into Russia. The harsh Russian winter hit and the French were not prepared for it.

Out of food and supplies Napoleon had no choice but to either retreat from Russia or starve to death in Moscow. He chose to leave Russia. His army starving, disorganized and strung out on the march had no chance when the better winter conditioned Russian troops closed in for the kill.

Napoleon lost his entire army and was never as strong again. When he abdicated and went into exile the first time it was largely because the Russian Cossack Calvary were pressing their way into France from the East ahead of the Prussians and British coming in from the West.

The thought of what the vengeance of the Russian Cossacks would be if they gained control of Paris was an unconscionable thought for any Frenchman including Napoleon. Napoleon had burned Moscow and in retribution it was clear that Paris would receive the same treatment at the hands of the Russians.

It was 8:30 and I was ready to go, but Zora hadn't materialized from her part of the suite yet.

My eyes closed as I leaned up against the wall by the door and remembered our dinner together. To be truthful I hadn't really eaten much, but instead of being hungry for food I found myself hungry to experience more intimacy with her.

I groaned in frustration. I had four plus hours of dancing ahead of me and all I wanted to do was throw my wife on the bed and discover everything there was to know about her.

'Patience and time. Time and patience.'

I smiled, as I remembered the words of the old Russian General long since faded from the active consciousness of the world for his significance in being a part of the historic events that shaped history during the Napoleonic era.

During the time of Napoleon, Emperor of France, Russia had been a world power and a threat to Napoleon's uncontested rule over all of Europe. In direct response to that threat Napoleon had marshaled an army and invaded Russia.

He'd destroyed the Russians first attempts to stop the invasion in brutal military fashion. The Russians had enacted a new strategy against the stronger and better disciplined French army. They had retreated back into the vastness of Russia, only fighting light engagements and never committing the bulk of the remaining army left over from their earlier defeats.

It had been a plan that had called for a lot of patience on the part of the Russians, as they saw their country burned and pillaged by the French. They had even sacrificed Moscow to the French, as they let time go by.

Then the time came for patience to be at an end. The Russians with their continual retreat had lured Napoleon over a thousand miles into Russia. The harsh Russian winter hit and the French were not prepared for it.

Out of food and supplies Napoleon had no choice but to either retreat from Russia or starve to death in Moscow. He chose to leave Russia. His army starving, disorganized and strung out on the march had no chance when the better winter conditioned Russian troops closed in for the kill.

Napoleon lost his entire army and was never as strong again. When he abdicated and went into exile the first time it was largely because the Russian Cossack Calvary were pressing their way into France from the East ahead of the Prussians and British coming in from the West.

The thought of what the vengeance of the Russian Cossacks would be if they gained control of Paris was an unconscionable thought for any Frenchman including Napoleon. Napoleon had burned Moscow and in retribution it was clear that Paris would receive the same treatment at the hands of the Russians. Copyright 2016 - 2024