Three minutes later, a laugh of derision arose as the announcement was

made that the chestnut was "scratched." But further discussion died

down, as the Leroy carriages arrived---only just in time, for the

saddling bell had already rang.

The course was now looking its best. Long lines of glittering motors and

smart carriages had joined their humbler brethren of traps and

omnibuses. The seats and stands were filled with gaily-dressed people;

women in their furs, velvets and exquisite hats, giving the impression

from a distance of a huge living flower garden.

On the appearance of Adrien Leroy, the excitement reached its height,

for he was known to everybody by name and sight, and was, moreover, the

owner of the favourite.

The carriage containing Lord Barminster had been drawn up as near the

course as possible, and as far from the crowd as space would permit; for

his lordship invariably refused to mix with any concourse of people,

even when they consisted of his own order.

Adrien, having seen that he was comfortable, escorted the ladies down to

their seats on the grand stand; then he betook himself to the paddock,

where "King Cole" had just been saddled.

At the sound of the loved voice the beautiful animal turned his head,

with a whinny of delight. Then, as the two people he disliked with every

fibre of his being approached him--Jasper Vermont and Peacock, the

jockey--he laid his ears back with every appearance of alarm and

distrust. It seemed as if his animal instincts were keener than those of

his master.

Leroy stroked the soft nose of the race-horse, while Jasper passed his

hand admiringly over the satiny neck.

"Beautiful as a daisy," he exclaimed, and as Mr. Vermont would hardly

have recognised that humble flower if he had seen it, this was rather

qualified praise.

"Too long in the leg," murmured a man whom Jasper had previously

introduced as a sporting friend of his.

Adrien turned round and surveyed the speaker calmly for a moment.

"Too leggy, you think, do you? I'll lay two to one upon them."

"Done," said the man sharply. "Hundreds or thousands?"

"Thousands," said Adrien quietly.

Jasper touched him on the arm and whispered, in gentle remonstrance: "Steady, old chap, there's pots of money on him as it is. Don't you

think it would be as well--"

"Make it thousands," interrupted Adrien, almost haughtily, as he turned

on his heel.

The man booked the bet, bowed to Vermont, as to an utter stranger, and

the two gentlemen passed to the weighing-seat. Peacock had already gone

to don his riding-clothes, and without waiting to see him again, Adrien

and his companion returned to the grand stand. Here Leroy stopped to

speak to Lady Merivale, who, with her sister, the Marchioness of Caine,

had motored down from London to witness the race. Copyright 2016 - 2025