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Addicted (Club Destiny 2.5)

Page 9

No. No, she couldn’t.

On top of that, Sam didn’t know how the hell Ashleigh Thomas had made it this far without ever giving in to temptation. She did want to be a fly on the wall when Alex found out though. That was going to be comical.

Chapter Five

“How was lunch?” Logan asked Sam when she walked in the door several hours later.

“It was... good.”

Logan got the impression Sam was holding something back, but he wasn’t about to ask what it could possibly be. She was a woman, and she had just spent several hours with her closest friends. He could only imagine what the conversation entailed, but quite frankly, he didn’t want to know the interworking’s of the female mind.

He and Luke had talked over their burgers, but they definitely hadn’t talked about anything personal the way he figured the girls did when they were together. His conversations with his brother generally consisted of a few sports references, but mostly they talked about the club or XTX.

“So, what’s on the agenda for the afternoon?” Sam asked when she tossed her purse onto the table, along with her cell phone. “Is Luke here?”

“No, he left a little while ago. Something about getting home to his woman and taking advantage of having her all to himself.”

“Hmmm...” Sam said as she snuggled up against him, allowing him to fold her into his arms. “I like the way his mind works.”

“Yeah?” Logan’s body went instantly hard at Sam’s implication, but he knew that he had to hold her off for a few hours because he wasn’t about to interfere with his plans for the evening. “Well, I was thinking we could catch a movie, then come home so you can make me that dinner you promised.”

“What’d you have in mind?” She asked as she looked up at him, her arms wrapped around his waist. Logan would never tire of having her touch him, or being able to hold her close. It was the second best feeling in the world, the first of course being when he was sheathed inside of her.

“I’m thinking we should catch up with the rest of the world and check out the Avenger’s movie.” He told her, placing a kiss on her lips.

“I’m game for spending a couple of hours checking out some hot guys who save the world.” Sam’s mischievous smile made Logan laugh.

“Is that right?” He asked as he grabbed his keys and wallet from the bar. “Well, I’m willing to let you watch hot guys, as long as tonight, I get to watch you.”

Her green eyes darkened with desire and Logan was tempted to turn her toward their bedroom and have his way with her before they went to the movies. When she looked at him like that, he wanted nothing more than to strip her naked and ravish her incredible body. For now he would have to wait.

He only hoped he could withstand the anticipation.

By the time Sam and Logan made it back to the house, he was more than ready for eight o’clock to roll around. So ready, he was tempted to call Tag and tell him to get his ass over to the house.

Sam had tested him for the last two hours, doing wicked, wicked things to him that made him want to strip her naked right there in the movie theater and have his way with her while the whole fucking place watched. The woman was downright evil when she was horny.

What the hell had they talked about at lunch, he wondered to himself.

“Dinner will be ready in thirty minutes.” She called out from the kitchen.

At this point, Logan wasn’t much in the mood for food, but that was because he was hungry for something else entirely. Figuring he had no choice except to be patient, he ventured outside and turned on the television his wife had convinced him to put out there. He remembered when she had given him a hard time about not having one.

Every now and then, they would sit outside on the patio and watch television, drinking a glass of wine and enjoying the early spring temperature. The best time had been when he’d secretly slipped a porno in when Sam hadn’t been looking, trying to surprise her. She’d surprised him right back. Right here on the couch.

Glancing at the pool, he wondered if he should get her in it later. The night was cool, but the water was heated so they could still enjoy it. He’d like it even more if he could convince her to get in naked.

While his eyes stared at the television, he was seeing his wife naked in his mind’s eye, only to be interrupted by the sound of his cell phone ringing.

“McCoy.” He answered, taking a long pull on his beer.

“We still on for tonight?” Tag’s laidback drawl came through the phone.

“We are.”

“Perfect. See you at eight.” With that, the line went dead, and Logan was once again reassured. Now he just had to figure out how to delay dinner so that they were still in the kitchen when Tag showed up.

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