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Addicted (Club Destiny 2.5)

Page 8

“Collection?” Sierra’s eyes widened. “I wouldn’t say that the couple of things we have would constitute a collection, but no, none of us have an interest in that sort of thing.”

Sam didn’t imagine Sierra needed much outside stimulation when she was currently the filling in one hell of a sex sandwich. She knew from experience exactly what it was like to have two men focused intently on her and even if she only admitted it to herself, she felt a pang of jealousy.

Obviously they were going to dodge topics today because Ashleigh quickly changed the subject, this time talking about her current novel in the works. That was one thing they’d all three gotten used to in the past few weeks. Ashleigh, also known as Ashton Leigh, seemed thrilled with the idea that she now had a couple of people to bounce her ideas off of.

“I need for one of you to explain what it’s like to have a threesome.” She stunned them both simultaneously.

“Ummm, like in detail?” Sierra asked, glancing to Sam as though she wanted help with getting out of this one.


“Are you telling me that you’ve never had a threesome?” Sam asked, knowing the answer, but trying to get Ashleigh to talk.

“That’s what I’m saying.” She confirmed, smiling. “And don’t go acting like it’s an everyday occurrence. I seriously doubt you had one before you met Logan.”

“True.” Sam said, but then realized she couldn’t very well go into detail because the only person she’d experienced a ménage with was Luke. Since Sierra was at the table, she wasn’t comfortable sharing those intimate details. Not that she would anyway.

“Are you considering having a threesome?” Sierra asked, concern written on her face.

“Oh goodness no. Well, not in the near future anyway. I’m in the middle of planning out my next book, and I think my readers would seriously get into the idea of a ménage, but since I don’t have a clue what it’s like, I can’t very well write about it.”

“Are you telling me that you have firsthand experience on everything you’ve written about? Because let me tell you, I’ve read your books, and some of the things you write about are well past anything I could have ever fantasized about.” Sam offered, leaning back when the waitress came with their food.

The three of them had to wait once more while their food was placed in front of them, and their waitress happily checked to see if they needed anything else. As soon as the woman was out of earshot, Sam stared at Ashleigh, waiting for her answer.

“Well, no, that’s not what I’m saying. It’s just that...”

Sam didn’t know how Ashleigh was going to dig herself out of this one, but she was waiting patiently, her grumbling stomach not terribly happy with her at the moment.

“Ok, no. I don’t have any experience. I mean none whatsoever.” Ashleigh admitted with a sigh.

Was she saying...? Sam’s eyes widened as she tried to comprehend what her friend was telling her, but before she could voice what was on her mind, Sierra beat her to it.

“You’re a virgin?”

Ashleigh glanced back and forth around their table before grimacing. “Good grief, announce it to the entire restaurant why don’t you.”

“Oh my goodness.” Sierra was apparently out of words.

“Holy crap, Ashleigh. How in the world have you come up with the material you’ve plied your readers with? I have to admit, I’m addicted to these erotic romance novels you’ve got going on, but I would have never imagined you could come up with some of that stuff without any experience whatsoever.”

“Addicted? Hmmm... I like that.” Ashleigh beamed. “It’s not that hard really. Just because I’ve never had an orgasm at the hands of a man, doesn’t mean I haven’t experienced one for myself.” She laughed as she poured ketchup on her plate like they were talking about the weather and not an intensely personal aspect of her life.

“But...” Again Sierra seemed to be overwhelmed to the point she couldn’t even finish a sentence.

Ashleigh laughed, but then her smile died a quick and painful death and she looked more than serious, staring back and forth between both women. “Don’t you dare tell another living soul. I mean no one. Not Logan,” she said, looking at Sam, “and not Cole or Luke,” she told Sierra. “Nobody whatsoever.”

“Does Alex know?” Sam couldn’t imagine what his reaction would have been if Ashleigh told him.

“Good God no! I mean seriously. I’m almost thirty years old. Could you imagine what he’d say if he were to find out?”

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