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Addicted (Club Destiny 2.5)

Page 10


Dinner was perfect if she did say so herself. Sure, she might have had to recook the bread, tossing out the original rolls she’d burned and forcing Logan to wait an extra twenty minutes while she put the finishing touches on, but in the end, it worked out perfectly.

They were still sitting at the kitchen table, drinking wine and talking, but something was off about Logan. He seemed distracted, and Sam couldn’t figure out why.

“Is something wrong?” She finally asked when he stopped talking altogether.


Her heart thumped hard in her chest and worry filled her mind. She waited patiently for him to continue.

“I think we need to talk about your punishment.” He said, sounding entirely too serious.

“For what?” Sam had an idea what he was referring to, and she bit back a grin. Their movie date had been entertaining, to say the least. She’d offered a little payback of her own making while they were seated in the dark theater and she didn’t think he’d appreciated it.

“Don’t play innocent with me, woman.” He scolded her before standing from his chair and taking his wine glass to the counter. When he returned, he took hers from her and deposited it beside his.

Butterflies erupted in her belly making it hard to breath.

“Come here.” He ordered, making Sam’s heart stutter erratically. She loved this side of Logan – the hardcore, demanding, no holds barred side.

Her feet weren’t listening to reason, and apparently neither were her legs because she was unable to push up from her chair. Still sitting at the kitchen table, Sam was rooted in place, watching the sexy way he moved, the glimmer of seductive passion that backlit his beautiful eyes.

“Alright. I can take a hint.” He told her as he moved closer, his enormous body looming over her. “If you want to do this at the kitchen table, I’m all for it.”

Wait... what? The kitchen table? Surely he wouldn’t.

Before she could inhale – or argue – he lifted her easily and deposited her butt on the hard wooden surface. He eased between her legs as he lifted her chin so she had no choice but to look him in the eye. What she saw there lit a flame deep in her core.

“What do you think your punishment should be?”

Sam wasn’t sure whether the question was rhetorical or not, but since it was the second time he’d mentioned it, she was thinking maybe not. What should her punishment be? It was a really good question and had her mind whirling with the possibilities.

“I’m beginning to think I should take you over my knee.”

Oh God! Surely he wouldn’t! The thought of being spanked was humiliating, but just as equally arousing. She had never been spanked before.

“Do you want me to spank you, Sam?” Logan asked, holding her chin firmly in his fingers.

“No.” She tried to put some insistence in the single word, which was why she was stunned that it came out sounding more like a question.

“Are you sure about that?”

He was right to question her because she was questioning herself at the moment. Did she want him to spank her? Would he really do it if she told him yes?

“That’s it.” He said in a tone that heated Sam’s skin from the inside out. “Stand up.”

Chapter Six

When he took a step back, allowing her room to ease down from the table, Sam did exactly as he said. She couldn’t hide the grin, and when she looked up, she saw ecstasy shining in the hazel depths of his eyes while a smile tipped the very edges of his sensual lips.

Logan took a seat in the chair she had vacated earlier and put his hands on her hips, turning her until she was facing him. Sam had to brace herself by placing her hands on his shoulders. His movements were jerky, as though he were excited, which she knew he was.


Logan’s terse voice was like a shockwave to her insides, shaking her up and throwing her off balance. Was he really going to go through with this?

“Take your clothes off, Sam.” He slowly enunciated each word, as though she hadn’t understood him the first time.

Oh, she understood alright. She was just a little on the timid side at the moment.

With her back to the living room, facing Logan, Sam sucked in air and a little bit of courage while she was at it. They played these games frequently, so getting naked in front of her husband wasn’t unusual. In the kitchen was a little strange, but not enough to shake her resolve. Apparently she was a little leery of the promise of punishment. Something he’d never done before.

Without further hesitation, Sam slowly disrobed, removing her shoes first, followed by her jeans and t-shirt. Just to push him a little, she left her panties and bra on because she knew he would expect them to come off, as well.

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