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Addicted (Club Destiny 2.5)

Page 7

Sharing her body? Now that was an entirely different story. Only because he wanted to watch the way her eyes smoldered when she was turned on or the way her body ignited when another man touched her. Not that she had been with another man besides Luke since Logan met her, but the memories were enough to make his cock stand tall.

“So how’d it go with Tag?” Luke asked, pulling Logan back to the present.

“Well I think. He’s coming over tonight, but Sam doesn’t know that yet.” Logan watched his brother for any sign of a reaction. When it came to Sam’s well-being, Logan wanted to ensure she would never be hurt and if Luke knew something Logan didn’t, he hoped his brother would tell him.

“Well, I think Tag’s a smart choice.” Luke offered, settling some of Logan’s nerves.

“Yeah? Why is that?”

“Cole is certainly in his corner, and when he backs you up, you know it’s for a good reason. Not to mention, Tag’s not looking for anything right now, which makes him a prime candidate.”

True. Logan wasn’t looking for someone permanent, but he was looking for consistency. He damn sure wasn’t interested in sharing his wife with multiple people. Since Tag wasn’t in a relationship at the moment, and didn’t seem to be engaging in any activities at the club, Logan hoped this could be a repeat adventure for them, but he wasn’t going to hold his breath.

“How does Sam feel about this?” Luke asked.

That was a good question, one Logan had given a ton of thought to.

“We haven’t out and out talked about it, but I know she’s hoping for something to happen. I don’t know if she would ever tell me straight out that she wants to bring another man into our relationship, but she hints from time to time.”

Especially when they were in bed. Logan had encouraged her to share her fantasies, and it appeared Sam was beginning to think they were his. Sure, he was excited about the pleasure he knew this would bring his wife, but when it came down to it, if she wasn’t willing, he wasn’t either.

But that was neither here nor there. Tonight they would find out how onboard she was with the idea.


“Well, it’s official.” Sam stated when Sierra joined her and Ashleigh at the table. “Your glow must be permanent.”

That ignited a smile on Sierra’s face that warmed Sam’s heart. It was good to see her friend so happy.

“I won’t disagree with you. I have to admit, I’m having the time of my life.” Sierra added as she perused the menu. “I’m starving. Did you order already?”

“No, we’ve been waiting for you.” Ashleigh grinned. “Let me guess, you had to give Cole an appropriate send off?”

Sierra laughed, and Sam watched closely.

“Maybe.” She teased then sat up straight when the waitress approached.

The three of them put in their orders and waited for the waitress to leave the table once again.

“So how are you and Alex?” Sam asked Ashleigh.

“Good. Nothing exciting on that front. At least not right now.”

Sam knew that Ashleigh and Alex were seeing each other, but for some reason, the two of them weren’t sharing much with anyone else. Not that their relationship was any of Sam’s business, but being that the three of them were meeting a couple of times a week, Sam was starting to worry about her friend.

“Where is he?” Sam inquired, glancing over at Sierra then back at Ashleigh.

“He’s at a conference in Austin. Both he and Cole left this morning. I think my brother’s joining them on this trip as well.” Ashleigh offered, but she didn’t look happy about the news.

“How long will they be gone?”

“Until tomorrow.” Sierra said. “Alex has been gone a lot lately, I hear.”

Sam knew he had been, she worked for the man. But she also knew it wasn’t always business that was taking him away, but no one seemed to know what or who was taking up so much of his time.

“I guess. I’m too busy to notice most of the time.” Ashleigh looked as though she wanted to be talking about anything except for Alex, and Sam couldn’t fault her for it. If she didn’t want to talk about it, obvious from her apparent lie, she didn’t want to push.

“So, tell me more about this BDSM equipment that you’ve got up in your gameroom.” Sam asked Sierra, immediately changing the subject for Ashleigh’s sake.

Sierra blushed profusely which made Sam smile.

“It’s interesting, I can tell you that much.”

Sierra’s lack of detail was a little disappointing, but Sam hadn’t made it that far in life by not asking questions. “Have you guys added any more to the collection?”

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