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Addicted (Club Destiny 2.5)

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The next morning, Sam woke up early, her mind awhirl with things she needed to get done. She was supposed to meet Ashleigh and Sierra for lunch, but before that could happen, she needed to run to the grocery store. For the first time in months, Logan had told her that they didn’t have any plans for the night and Sam had decided she wanted to cook for him.

No, she wasn’t much of a cook, but she could hold her own. When she put her mind to it, there wasn’t much she couldn’t at least attempt to figure out.

She ran through the shower and pulled on jeans and a t-shirt before venturing out to the store. Once there, Sam remembered exactly what she hated about the grocery store. Especially on the weekend.

After a miserably long half hour, she managed to make it through the checkout line and back to her car with her goods. By the time she got home, she was starving and ready for her lunch date. A quick glance at the clock confirmed that her stomach was just going to have to rumble for at least another hour.

Thankfully she busied herself by unloading the groceries and planning out her meal. Maybe she should arrange to have dinner on the veranda. They hadn’t done that in a while.

Stepping outside, Sam was immediately assaulted by the memories of the times she had spent on the back patio. Specifically the times she had spent with Logan and Luke. Since they were distant memories, Sam wondered how the heat continued to course so brilliantly hot at the reminder.

And to think, those days would never be again. At least not with Luke involved. Not that she wasn’t happy for the man, as well as Sierra and Cole. The three of them were truly happy and seeing her brother-in-law absent of those storm clouds in his eyes was definitely a sight to see.

Being that Logan was the easy going one, it was almost strange to see Luke so laid-back these days. Sierra had alluded to some particularly juicy encounters between the three of them, including the use of some of that equipment in Luke’s upstairs game room, which explained part of his newfound happiness. Apparently it hadn’t belonged to him as everyone originally suspected, but instead he had taken it from one of the abandoned rooms at the club.

From what Sierra said, they were enjoying the use of it from time to time. And if the smile that lit the woman’s face was anything to go by, she was much more open to new experiences than Sam was. She could only hope some new opportunities would present themselves soon because despite the fact that her husband could make her all kinds of excited, and fulfill her every need, her experience with ménages had left her with an ache she wanted to satisfy again.

Chapter Four

Logan got home just in time to kiss Sam on her way out the door. She was going to meet Sierra and Ashleigh for lunch, and in turn, Luke was stopping by the house for a little while. Since the two of them hadn’t spent much time together, Logan had hoped for just the opportunity.

Tossing some burgers on the grill, Logan took a long pull on his beer as he waited to ensure they wouldn’t ignite into a fireball. Once they were cooking, he closed the lid and turned around to see his brother coming out the back door to join him.

“I’m starting to worry about you.” Logan told him when he came closer.

“Why’s that?” Luke asked, pulling a chair from the table and dropping into it.

“Remember how Grandpa used to say we shouldn’t make those faces because we might just get stuck like that?”

Luke turned his head, his forehead creased with confusion, apparently trying to figure out what the hell Logan was talking about. He put him out of his misery. “Well, it looks like you’ve been smiling too damn much lately and your face got stuck.”

“Oh, shut the hell up.” Luke laughed, something Logan noticed he was doing much more of recently.

“So, I take it things are still going well?”

“Never better.” Luke answered, downing half of his beer. “How could it not?”

True, Logan thought. His twin had finally let down some of those walls he’d erected in order to keep everyone at a distance and after what seemed like a damn long time, he’d finally ended up right where he wanted to be.

“Where’s Cole?” Logan asked.

“Alex has him running his ass off. He’s at some conference in Austin this weekend.”

Logan thought about it for a second and wondered how their relationship worked out. With three people to consider at any given time, he figured there would be some serious jealousy going on when one of them was away. Granted, he never got that impression from any of them, but he still couldn’t get his mind around it.

Maybe that was because he was a damn possessive man and when it came to Sam, he wanted to know that she belonged to him and only him. Always. At least as far as her love was concerned.

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