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Addicted (Club Destiny 2.5)

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“You buy, and you’ve got yourself a deal.”

Chapter Three

An hour later, Tag and Logan were sitting at the bar in a local restaurant, already on their third beer. If they kept it up, neither of them would be in any shape to drive, nor would Logan be looking to take Tag back to his wife. He might revel in the idea of sharing her, but when it came to her pleasure, large amounts of alcohol didn’t factor into his plans.

Since this wasn’t a job interview by any means, Logan’s intent was to get to know Tag a little better, and vice versa. He didn’t plan to talk about their interludes, or inquire as to the other man’s kinks. But he did need to make sure Tag was compatible with Sam.

In the last hour, Logan had learned more about the man sitting across from him. A lot more. Like the fact that Tag Murphy wasn’t looking for a relationship, or a commitment of any kind. That worked out well from where Logan was sitting. He wasn’t looking to bring another man into his relationship permanently, but he was looking for someone who could exercise discretion and one he trusted to see to Sam’s best interest.

Before talking to him tonight, Logan knew the basics, including Tag’s profession as a corporate attorney. He was thirty four years old, never been married, an only child until his father married Cole’s mother, in which he and Cole technically became stepbrothers.

He wasn’t from the Dallas area, but nor was he from Oklahoma as Cole was. Being from West Texas, Tag exuded the typical Texas charm, but other than his decipherable drawl, he could have been from anywhere.

“Where’s Sam at now?” Tag asked.

Glancing at his watch, Logan had to think about that one. “I assume she’s at home or on her way there. She was meeting Ashleigh at Club Destiny for drinks. By her estimate, she’ll only be there for an hour, but when she gets together with her friends, I usually stretch that to about two.”

“Women.” Tag joked.

“Gotta love ‘em.” Logan stated with a grin.

“Tell me a little more about what you do at XTX.” Tag finally spoke a moment later when there was a lull in the conversation.

“I’m the President of Strategic Operations.” Logan revealed. “Which means I take a lot of shit from a lot of people.”

“I know the feeling. This case your brother’s got against Susan Toulmin is wearing me out. Quite frankly, she’s one crazy bitch. I mean batshit crazy.” Tag offered.

Being that Logan was a silent partner in Club Destiny, and Luke was his brother, he knew all about the case against Susan. The woman had seemingly fallen off her rocker a short while back, filing a lawsuit against Sierra. From the outside looking in, Susan had gotten a little jealous when Sierra landed both Cole and Luke permanently in her bed while Susan had been trying to do the same thing for quite some time.

Neither Luke nor Cole had ever given Susan the impression they were looking for anything more than a romp, but it appeared the woman’s greed had gotten the best of her.

“He told me it’ll be over soon.” Logan added, looking at Tag. “I think we’ll all be relieved when that happens. This is hitting way too close to home, and when it comes to Club Destiny’s members, they aren’t looking to make their membership public, which seems to be Susan’s ultimate goal now that she’s been outed.”

“Well, they don’t have anything to worry about. The judge isn’t going to ask for the membership list, and I’d fight it tooth and nail if he did.”

Logan couldn’t say he wasn’t happy about that. Being that there were some well-known names on that list, he worried about the fall out. Since Xavier, Logan’s boss, wasn’t even familiar with that side of Club Destiny, he figured the man might have something to say since Logan, Tag, and Alex were all on that list. Not to mention Xavier’s grandson, Dylan, was looking to become a member – though no one knew exactly why at the moment.

A short while later, Tag and Logan decided to call it a night.

“You got any plans tomorrow night?” Logan asked Tag as the two men walked out of the restaurant.

“Not yet, I don’t.” Tag offered. “Why? What’s up?”

Logan knew this was the moment of truth, but if he was going to go through with it, he had to spit it out. “I’m thinking about surprising my wife.”

Tag grinned. “I like where you’re going with this.”

With that, Logan and Tag came to an agreement. Eight o’clock on Saturday night, Tag would show up at his house.

Now Logan just had to come up with a plan. Since he’d had months to think about it, that wasn’t going to be all that hard.

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