Logan had to remind himself that Tag Murphy had become the man of the hour recently. Since he was a lawyer and now a proclaimed member of Club Destiny, his brother Luke wasn’t the only person making use of the man’s skills. Xavier had gotten word about Tag and now the man was the newest member of the XTX team. At least as their lead attorney.

“Perfect. I’m in my office. Come this way when you can.” Logan clicked the phone off and sat it down on his desk.

This day had been a long time coming. At least since his twin brother Luke had gone off and fallen in love with Sierra and Cole. Since Luke was no longer an option for a third in his and Sam’s relationship, and Logan was well aware of his wife’s desire to be the focal point of two men since he introduced her to the intimacy of a ménage, Logan had been searching for someone he could trust enough to share his wife with.

Until he met Tag, he’d been worried he wouldn’t find anyone. Since he had more background on Tag, thanks to his membership application and Tag’s stepbrother Cole’s good word, Logan had finally come to the conclusion that he had found the right person to share his wife with.

Logan might be getting ahead of himself because until today, he hadn’t yet broached the subject with Tag, which was the reason for their meeting. In the next half hour, Logan hoped he could get a feel for whether the man was open to the possibility or not.

Glancing down at his computer screen, Logan allowed himself to get lost in his emails momentarily as he waited for Tag to show up.

He wasn’t nervous, he told himself. What was the worst thing that could happen? Tag could say no? Thinking about all of the ways he wanted to direct his wife’s ultimate pleasure, he hoped like hell that wasn’t going to happen.

Forty five minutes later Tag was waltzing into Logan’s office, a frown on his face. “That boss of yours is a slave driver.” Tag joked, shutting Logan’s office door behind him before taking a seat.

Logan glanced up at the man and laughed. “That he is.”

Xavier didn’t have any concept of time, and even though it was Friday night, the man didn’t have any qualms about keeping someone in the office if he felt he had business that needed to be taken care of. Logan was living proof – having spent many late nights wanting nothing more than to get home to Sam.

“So what’s up?” Tag asked, crossing one ankle over the opposite knee and relaxing into the chair. “No, don’t tell me.” Smiling, the man continued, “If the grapevine is accurate, I’m guessing this is about your wife.”

Grinning, Logan was secretly relieved the hard part was over. “That damn grapevine.”

“With a club like your brothers, it’s a wonder there aren’t some serious rumors flying.”

“True.” Logan agreed. Knowing Luke worked diligently to ensure the anonymity of his members, the man was the precise reason there weren’t more of those rumors running rampant.

“I heard your brother’s getting himself hitched, so to speak.” Tag offered, allowing Logan the perfect segue into the conversation.

“That’s what I hear. Which is the only reason I forgive him for taking his leave from our relationship.” Logan halfway joked.

“I’ve met your wife, Logan. She’s a spitfire. Word is she wasn’t like that until you cracked her shell when you married her.”

If that wasn’t the damn truth… Logan remembered the very first day he met Sam. A job interview for the position she currently held with XTX. The woman had stolen his breath from the moment he saw her, and she hadn’t let up since.

After a brief time when she felt the need to run from him, Sam finally began to open up to her sexuality and he’d been loving life ever since. Oh, and don’t forget she’d said “I do”. That was the icing on the cake because with her by his side as well as in his bed, Logan felt as though he could conquer the world.

“I thought I was insatiable.” Logan admitted. “She makes me look tame by comparison.”

“Somehow I doubt that.” Tag commented, looking even more relaxed than when he stepped into Logan’s office. “Since I’m a member of the club, I think it’s safe to say you know more about me than I know about you. And since I know you aren’t a man to jump to conclusions about people, tell me what it is you’re looking for in a third.”

Logan hadn’t expected this to be a job interview, but it was what it felt like. “I’ve got an idea,” he offered the man sitting across from him, “Why don’t we head out for a beer and I’ll clue you in on what I’m looking for.”

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