Logan took her hand and led her through the back entrance to the private club. They could’ve gone through the main doors and then up the staircase to the second floor, but Sam knew Logan didn’t want to draw unnecessary attention. She couldn’t blame him.

Once they were upstairs, walking down the hallway, Sam’s palms began to sweat. Before they reached the end, where the playroom was, Tag came strolling out from the guest room that he rented.

“Hey.” He greeted Logan, and a look passed between the two men.

Sam was just about to say hello when Tag backed her into the wall, pressed his impressive body against hers before kissing her senseless. A distraction. A welcome distraction at that. Damn the man was good.

“Hi.” Tag’s easy drawl drifted over her when he broke the kiss, staring down at her.

“Hi back.” Sam smiled.

“Ready?” Logan asked, once again taking her hand in his.

No. No, she wasn’t. But this was the moment of truth. All of her pent up fantasies were going to either come true or come crashing down around her in the next few minutes. Either way, she had to get it over with. “Ready.”

Tag fell into step beside them as Logan led her the rest of the way down the hall. When they reached the playroom as Logan referred to it, turning the corner, Sam’s jaw nearly hit the floor.

The room was filled with people, yet not a single one of them was naked. No, this looked like just a normal get together where people stood talking, eating a variety of appetizers that had been laid out on a table on the far side of the room. For a second, Sam’s heartbeat kicked back a notch, returning to normal.

At least it wasn’t a sudden, walk right in the room, get naked and get laid kind of get together. That would have likely blown the top of her head from her body. Across the room, Sam saw Sierra talking to Cole and Luke and another couple.

“Hungry?” Logan asked, sounding amused.

“You knew it was like this, didn’t you?” Why would he let her think she was walking into a sensual ambush?

“Who me?” The not so innocent smirk on his face answered her question. “Let’s go talk to my brother.” He said, pulling on her hand.

Sam made her way across the room, following close behind Logan, wondering what she had been so freaked out about. These were just ordinary people, getting together to chat and eat. Nothing kinky going on. At least for the time being.

“I’m so glad you made it. I was worried there for a minute.” Sierra greeted but her smile appeared forced. Sam wondered if she was beginning to think twice about this little endeavor.

“Did you think I would chicken out?” Sam asked, trying to sound more confident than she felt. This was definitely strange, even if no one was naked and running around having wild orgies all over the place. The fact that they might made Sam feel a little awkward.

Did she honestly want to see any of these people naked? Granted, watching porn was one thing. Something entirely different than this. These people were... real. Ok, so Sam didn’t think the porn people were fake, but she didn’t have to worry about running into them downstairs at the club anytime in the near future. And they wouldn’t be looking at her naked either.

Tag approached a second later holding a glass and Sam could only hope that it was something strong enough to make her forget what the hell she was doing.

“Vodka and 7.” He said as he handed the glass over.

Dear Lord the man was a saint. “Thank you.” She would have repeated it over and over if it wouldn’t have made her look like an idiot.

“You look a little tense. I figured this might help you relax.”

Logan walked up behind Sam and put his arms around her at the same time Luke walked up to Sierra.

Admittedly, both men were a sight to behold. They were by far the tallest men in the room and aside from Cole, probably the biggest. Even with Logan’s hair growing just a tad longer than normal, they were still nearly identical, but it was the fact that they were gorgeous beyond measure that made them stand out amongst everyone else.

Sam knew people were watching them, or rather watching Logan and Luke. As far as she knew, neither of them frequented this monthly get together, so the members of the club were likely trying to figure out what was going on. Thanks to Susan Toulmin, the club had been in the news recently, but Luke was jumping tremendous hurdles to ensure the privacy of his members was not disturbed.

“Is it everything you thought it would be?” Luke asked both women, standing behind Sierra while Cole stood close to their side.

Sam grinned. Yes, she had jumped to conclusions and more importantly she’d given herself more credit than she deserved. Wanton and wicked in the bedroom or the privacy of her own home was one thing. Being here, in front of all of these people, was a true test that she was afraid she wouldn’t pass.

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