The captains were silently contemplative in the aftermath of Captain Jansa's words, with even a few of them nodding in apparent agreement with his expressed sentiments.

The Admiral broke the silence, "True words, Captain Jansa, but tell me as honorable men, what other option is left to us but to attack the enemy fleet in the morning?"

Captain Jansa met the old eyes of the Admiral squarely, "I propose that we sail north around the rocky headland of Remembrance Bay and make our way through the rocks to beach our ships in the sands before the Shrine. Some of our ships will be lost on the rocks. Perhaps all of them, but there is a greater chance this way of us landing a fighting force to help our friends than in attacking the enemy navy outright. I am persuaded to believe that at least some of us will make the beach, as our ancestors did somehow so long ago. It is an honorable death at the very least."

There was silence around the table as every captain present had at some time seen the rocks guarding the small bay and each was now imagining what it would be like to attempt to sail through such an obstacle.

The Admiral studied the young captain thoughtfully for a moment, "An intriguing option and one that I had not considered. What do you think of the captain's third option Captain Nargo?"

The grey headed captain to the Admiral's right responded slowly and thoughtfully as he stared at the table top in front of him, as if seeing something there no one else could discern, "The Captain's logic is sound I believe. I find it only regrettable that no better strategy than this lies open to us, but rarely have I found war to offer an agreeable path to victory either. It has my vote and my congratulations to the young Captain for coming forward with such a daring plan. Who knows it might work. Stranger things have happened before."

The Admiral looked around the table and saw a quiet acknowledgement echoed on the faces of the other captains.

"It's settled then gentlemen! Tonight we will weigh anchor and sail around the headland through the night and make our attempt to pass the rocks in the morning's first light. May it be that the Creator will have mercy on us and allow us to fight by our friend's side after all. Return to your ships and make ready for we sail within the hour. Captain Jansa if you would stay behind a moment."

The captains got up and started to leave. The last captain to leave the room, who captained the Admiral's flagship turned back to the Admiral, "Sir?" He asked. Copyright 2016 - 2025