12 years earlier

The streets of Zoarestran, a small town situated on the eastern side of the Plains of Zoar, were dark and deserted as the rain hammered down in the early morning hours. The only light came from the night lanterns that glowed dimly in the gloom of the night.

A shadowy figure flitted from doorway to doorway seeking shelter from the rain that beat down mercilessly, a figure that had come from the direction of the slave holding pens.

The night watchman standing in the stoop of a bakery shop came to the likely conclusion that the figure was either an escaped slave or a thief, as nobody else would be out on such a night.

Somewhat reluctantly because of the heavy downpour the watchman stepped out into the rain, "Hey you stop there!" He yelled out.

The slim figure froze in place at the voice of the watchman. The watchman noticing a bundle in the arms of the figure hastened his pace towards the shadowy outline in the rain. He was sure he'd caught a thief in the act. This meant good things for him. Apprehending thieves in the act was highly looked upon by his superiors not to mention the gratitude of the shop owners, who would fatten his pocket with coin for his good work on behalf of them.

Krista stood still, as fear froze her in place as the watchman approached. She shivered as the icy rain drops fell on her head and trickled down under the worn rag of a tunic she wore. She clutched the bundle tighter to her trying to shield it from the storm. Krista's teeth threatened to rattle out of her mouth, because she was so cold.

"You're but a slip of a girl!" The watchman said somewhat disgustedly seeing his reward vanish before his eyes.

"What are you doing out in this weather girl and what have you got there?" He asked making a move to grab the bundle in her arms from her.

His outstretching hands jarred Krista out of her fearful trance. She jumped back out of reach the sudden move causing the bundle in her arms to cry out weakly.

"Hey, what is this?" The watchman exclaimed in surprise.

Seeming to notice her shabby attire for the first time the watchman came to a swift conclusion, "You're a slave ain't yuh?"

At those words Krista turned and fled.

"Hey stop you slave!"

His fingers narrowly missed grabbing a hold of her shoulder, as she slipped past him down a dark alleyway. She ran as fast as she could with the bundle in her arms stumbling over cans and refuse left in the alleyway in her haste.

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