The fields were so very well hidden from the view of the Chateau, that until recently Alannah hadn't known of their existence.

'It's a romance story," Alannah told him. "It's just awful! The Señora was going through the library and decided to throw out a bunch of old books."

"If the books is so bad, then why are you reading it?" Patrick asked her, as he pulled open the basket that was brought down by Maria earlier that day.

Alannah shrugged as she accepted some apple slices from the plate inside the basket. "I truly don't know. I suppose because there are parts of the book that I do like. The story is set in a far-off, exotic location, much like this island, it's romantic."

"Hmm, well, we surely have very different ideas about what is romantic" Patrick said "say, isn't that Anya, riding in on horseback?"

"Anya? Why on earth would she be coming here?" Alannah said getting up out of her chair, she gave a squeal of excitement dropped the book on her chair, ran to meet her. "Anya! Are you here all by yourself? Where is your bambino? Would you like to share our lunch?' She stopped herself when she noticed the bemused look in Anya's eyes.

"I am here," Anya said, "because rumors have made their way to my family and I wanted to come get the official word. Is it true that you and Dominic are engaged?" Anya asked excitedly.

"Yes, Anya, it is true."

"Come for a visit today?"

"OH Anya, I would love to."

Patrick helped Alannah hitch Duthch to the buggy, he then tied Anya's horse to the back and then the two of them took off towards Anya's.

As the rode off, Patrick yelled after Alannah "Don't forget to take your silly love stories!"

"What was that Patrick was saying about silly love-stories?" Anya asked her.

"Oh nothing really, just some old books that the Señora was going to throw away," Alannah told her. "Patrick was getting annoyed with me because I started giggling after reading certain passages. It's hard not to laugh, even though they're so bad."

"Bad how?" Anya asked her.

"Well," Alannah said, "let's see . . . there is lots of make out kissing - I'm talking about the sweep you off your feet kind of kisses. You know where the, handsome hero grabs the girl, and brings her to him and the kissing is so passionate it makes your temperature rise. Then there are the steamy love scenes."

"Steamy love scenes?" Anya was by now laughing like Alannah. "let me see that book."

"Oh, here's a good one! 'He pulled her into his arms and pressed his lips against hers, feeling her breathing change. She felt his groin grow hard against her and she wanted him than anything. -" . . . what's that supposed to mean, anyway?" Copyright 2016 - 2025